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How to Fill in the Various Fields in the ODBC Administrator Program

There are three possibilities for specifying the server name on

   * Use the IP address of the server.

   * Add a file `\windows\lmhosts' with the following information:

          ip hostname

     For example:


   * Configure the PC to use DNS.

Example of how to fill in the `ODBC setup':
     Windows DSN name:   test
     Description:        This is my test database
     MySql Database:     test
     User:               monty
     Password:           my_password

The value for the `Windows DSN name' field is any name that is unique
in your Windows ODBC setup.

You don't have to specify values for the `Server', `User', `Password',
or `Port' fields in the ODBC setup screen.  However, if you do, the
values will be used as the defaults later when you attempt to make a
connection.  You have the option of changing the values at that time.

If the port number is not given, the default port (3306) is used.

If you specify the option `Read options from C:\my.cnf', the groups
`client' and `odbc' will be read from the `C:\my.cnf' file.  You can
use all options that are usable by `mysql_options()'.  Note:

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