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The Entity Manager

   SGML can refer to an external file (really entity) with an _external
identifier_, this is a _public identifier_ or a _system identifier_, or

   A typical public identifier looks like

     PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN"

where "ISO 8879:1986" is the owner, "ENTITIES" is the text class and
"Added Latin 1" is the text description (and "EN" is language).

   A system identifier looks like

     SYSTEM "htmlplus.dtd"

where "htmlplus.dtd" is a system-specific identifier.

   To map external identifiers to file names, PSGML first searches
entity catalog files and then search the list of file name templates in
the variable `sgml-public-map'.

   The catalog format is according to SGML/Opens resolution on entity
management.  The catalog consists of a series of entries and comments.
A comment is delimited by `--' like in a markup declaration.  The entry
types recognized are described in the following table.

`public PUBID FILE'
     The FILE will be used for the entity text of an entity with the
     public identifier PUBID.

`entity NAME FILE'
     The FILE will be used for the entity text of an entity with the
     name NAME.  If the NAME starts with a `%' the rest of the name
     will be matched against parameter entities.

`doctype NAME FILE'
     The FILE will be used for the entity text of an entity used as
     external subset of a document declaration with NAME as document
     type name.

`sgmldecl FILE'
     Used to specify a default SGML declaration.  Recognized but not
     used by PSGML other than to pass to an external validation command

   When PSGML is looking for the file containing an external entity, the
following things will be tried in order:

  1. Try the system identifier, as a file name, if there is a system
     identifier and the variable `sgml-system-identifiers-are-preferred'
     is non-`nil' and there is no elements containing `%s' in
     `sgml-public-map'.  If the system identifier is a relative file
     name it will be relative to the directory containing the defining

  2. Look thru each catalog in `sgml-local-catalogs' and
     `sgml-catalog-files' in order.  For each catalog look first for
     entries matching the public identifier, if any.  Then look for
     other matching entries in the order they appear in the catalog.

     Currently an entry will be ignored if it is matching but its file
     is non-existent or unreadable.  (This is under reconsideration,
     perhaps it should signal error instead).

  3. Try the system identifier, if any, as a file name.  If
     `sgml-system-identifiers-are-preferred' is `nil' and there is no
     elements containing `%s' in `sgml-public-map'.

  4. Try the entries in `sgml-public-map'.  Using the catalogs are
     preferred.  The `sgml-public-map' may disappear in a future version
     of PSGML (not soon though).

   The `sgml-public-map' variable can contain a list of file name
templates where `%P' will be substituted with the whole public
identifier, owner is substituted for `%O', public text class for `%C',
and public text description for `%D'.  The text class will be converted
to lower case and the owner and description will be transliterated
according to the variable `sgml-public-transliterations'.  The
templates in the list is tried in order until an existing file is
found.  The `sgml-public-map' is modeled after `sgmls' environment
variable `SGML_PATH' and psgml understand the following substitution
characters: %%, %N, %P, %S, %Y, %C, %L, %O, %T, and %V.  The default
value of `sgml-public-map' is taken from the environment variable

   Given the public identifier above and the file name template
`/usr/local/lib/sgml/%o/%c/%d', the resulting file name is


   Note: blanks are transliterated to `_' (and also `/' to `%') and the
text class is down cased.

 - User Option: sgml-catalog-files
     This is a list of catalog entry files.  The files are in the
     format defined in the SGML Open Draft Technical Resolution on
     Entity Management.  The Emacs variable is initialized from the
     environment variable `SGML_CATALOG_FILES' or if this variable is
     undefined the default is

          ("CATALOG" "/usr/local/lib/sgml/CATALOG")

 - User Option: sgml-local-catalogs
     A list of SGML entity catalogs to be searched first when parsing
     the buffer.  This is used in addition to `sgml-catalog-files', and
     `sgml-public-map'.  This variable is automatically local to the

 - User Option: sgml-system-identifiers-are-preferred
     If `nil', PSGML will look up external entities by searching the
     catalogs in `sgml-local-catalogs' and `sgml-catalog-files' and
     only if the entity is not found in the catalogs will a given system
     identifier be used.  If the variable is non-nil and a system
     identifier is given, the system identifier will be used for the
     entity.  If no system identifier is given the catalogs will

 - User Option: sgml-public-map
     This should be a list of file name templates.  This variable is
     initialized from the environment variable `SGML_PATH'.  This is
     the same environment variable that `sgmls' uses.  If the
     environment variable is undefined the default is

          ("%S" "/usr/local/lib/sgml/%o/%c/%d")

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