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How to invoke PSGML

   PSGML defines major modes called `sgml-mode' and `xml-mode'.  Files
with extensions `.sgml', `.sgm' or `.dtd' will automatically be edited
in SGML mode.  To edit some other file in SGML mode, type `M-x
sgml-mode <RET>' after finding the file.  To edit XML files, type `M-x
xml-mode <RET>'.

   If you can modify the file you can add a "Local Variables" list
(Note: Local Variables in Files.) to the end of
the file.  This can make Emacs automatically set sgml mode and user
options when the file is loaded.  The simplest Local Variables list
would look like:

     Local Variables:
     mode: sgml

   You can also put a line at the top of the file to tell emacs to use
sgml mode:

     <!-- -*- sgml -*- -->

   For XML replace `sgml' with `xml' in the above examples.  But
remember that you can't have a comment before the _SGML declaration_ or
the _XML declaration_.

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