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Info Node: ( Focus

( Focus

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Input Focus

   The input focus defines exactly which client window will receive
events generated by the keyboard.

 - Function: input-focus
     Returns the window object of the currently focused window, or
     `nil' if no window is focused.

 - Function: set-input-focus window
     Sets the focus to the client window associated with WINDOW.

 - Variable: focus-mode
     Defines the current method of using the mouse to assign the input
     focus. Possible values are `enter-exit', `enter-only' and `click'.

 - Variable: focus-proxy-click
     When in click-to-focus mode, the focus-assigning click is only
     passed through to the client window if this variable is non-`nil'.

     This option may be set on a per-window basis by setting the
     `focus-click-through' property of the window (using the
     `window-put' function).

   Sawfish also maintains the order in which windows were recently

 - Function: window-order &optional workspace allow-iconified
     Return a list of windows, in most-recently-focused order.

     If WORKSPACE is an integer, then only windows on that workspace
     are included, otherwise all workspaces are searched.

     If ALLOW-ICONIFIED is non-nil, iconified windows are included. If
     `all-viewports' is non-nil, then all viewports of the workspace(s)
     are scanned.

 - Function: window-order-push window
     Push window object WINDOW onto the top of the focus stack.

 - Function: window-order-pop window
     Remove window object WINDOW from the focus stack.

 - Function: window-order-focus-most-recent
     Focus the most-recently-focused window on the current viewport of
     the current workspace.

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