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Window Attributes

 - Function: window-name window
     Return the name associated with WINDOW.

 - Function: window-full-name window
     Return the full-name associated with WINDOW. This may or may not
     be the same as the normal name.

 - Function: window-icon-name window
     Return the icon name associated with WINDOW.

 - Function: window-mapped-p window
     Return `t' if the client window associated with object WINDOW is
     mapped. (Note that this doesn't necessarily mean that it is

 - Function: window-transient-p window
     Returns `nil' if WINDOW isn't marked as a transient window.
     Otherwise returns an integer, the xid of the parent window.

 - Function: window-shaped-p window
     Return `t' if WINDOW is shaped (possibly not rectangular).

 - Function: window-id window
     If window object WINDOW has a client window associated with,
     return an integer defining its xid, otherwise return `nil'.

 - Function: window-group-id window
     Return an integer defining the xid of the leader of the group that
     WINDOW is a member of, or `nil' if WINDOW is not a member of a

 - Function: window-wants-input-p window
     Return `t' when the client window associated with object WINDOW
     has asked for the input focus to be assigned to it when applicable
     (through the `input' field of its `WM_HINTS' property).

 - Function: window-dimensions window
     Returns a cons cell `(WIDTH . HEIGHT)' defining the dimensions of
     the client window associated with object WINDOW.

 - Function: window-position window
     Returns a cons-cell `(X . Y)' defining the position relative to
     the root window of WINDOW.

 - Function: window-size-hints window
     Return an alist defining the size-hints structure specified by the
     client window associated with WINDOW. Possible keys in the alist
     are `min-height', `max-height', `min-width', `max-width',
     `height-inc', `width-inc', `min-aspect', `max-aspect',
     `base-height', `base-width', `user-position', `program-position',
     `user-size', `program-size', `window-gravity'.

 - Function: window-visibility window
     Returns a symbol defining the current visibility of WINDOW.
     Possible returned symbols are `fully-obscured',
     `partially-obscured' or `unobscured'.

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