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Window Stacking

   The stacking order of the display defines the order in which windows
are shown, from topmost to bottommost.

 - Function: stacking-order
     Return a list of window objects defining the current stacking
     order of all client windows, from top-most to bottom-most.

 - Function: restack-windows list
     Restack all client windows specified in the list of window objects
     LIST in the order they occur in the list (from top to bottom).
     The stacking order of any unspecified windows isn't affected.

 - Function: x-raise-window window
     Raise the client window associated with object WINDOW to the top
     of the display.

   Sawfish allows the stacking order to be managed as a sequence of
layers, with windows being assigned a particular depth within the
order. For any given window with depth D, it will be above all windows
with depth less than D, and below all windows with depth greater than
D. It may be above or below any other windows with depth D.

   The `depth' property of each window is used to store this depth. A
depth of zero is "normal", with negative depths stacked below, and
positive depths stacked above this normal level.

 - Function: stacking-order-by-depth depth
     Similar to `stacking-order', but only returns windows with depth

 - Function: set-window-depth window depth
     Set the stacking depth of WINDOW to DEPTH, then restacks the
     windows to reflect this change.

 - Function: window-on-top-p window
     Returns `t' if WINDOW is at the top of its stacking depth.

 - Function: stack-window-below below above
     Change stacking order of window BELOW so that it is immediately
     below window ABOVE.

 - Function: stack-window-above above below
     Change stacking order of window ABOVE so that it is immediately
     above window BELOW.

 - Macro: save-stacking-order &rest forms
     Evaluate FORMS in an implicit `progn', then restore the original
     window stacking order, returning the value of the `progn'.

   For the following functions, when called interactively they all
operate on the window that received the current event, or alternatively
the currently focused window.

 - Command: lower-window window
     Lower WINDOW to the bottom of its stacking depth.

 - Command: raise-window window
     Raise WINDOW to the top of its stacking depth.

 - Command: raise-lower-window window
     If WINDOW is the highest in its stacking level, lower it to the
     bottom of this level, otherwise raise it to the top of its level.

 - Command: lower-window-depth window
     Decrement the stacking depth of WINDOW.

 - Command: raise-window-depth window
     Increment the stacking depth of WINDOW.

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