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Info Node: ( and Resizing Windows

( and Resizing Windows

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Moving and Resizing Windows

   As noted above (Note: Window Attributes), the `window-dimensions'
and `window-position' functions return the current configuration of a

 - Function: move-window-to window x y
     Move the top-left corner of the window frame of WINDOW to (X, Y).

 - Function: resize-window-to window width height
     Set the dimensions of the client window associated with object

 - Function: move-resize-window-to window x y width height
     A combination of the previous two functions.

 - Function: resize-window-with-hints window cols rows &optional hints
     Resize the window associated with object WINDOW so that it has
     COLS columns and ROWS rows. The HINTS parameters is either the
     size hints alist to use, or `nil' in which case the
     `window-size-hints' function is used to retrieve the window's

   Usually, however, it is left to the user to configure windows. The
following functions may be called interactively: their sole argument is
then either the window that received the current event or the currently
focused window.

 - Command: move-window-interactively window
     Move WINDOW interactively using the mouse. Releasing any mouse
     button places the window at its current position.

 - Command: resize-window-interactively window
     Resize WINDOW interactively using the mouse. Releasing any mouse
     button places the window at its current position.

     Note that this function selects the edge or edges of the window to
     move from the current position of the mouse when the resizing
     begins. The window is divided into a three-by-three grid; the
     rectangle containing the mouse pointer gives the direction to
     resize in. If the pointer is in the central rectangle the bottom
     and right edges are moved.

 - Command: move-selected-window
     Wait for the user to select a window using the mouse, then
     interactively move that window.

 - Command: resize-selected-window
     Wait for the user to select a window with the mouse, then
     interactively resize that window.

   The interactive move and resize behavior can be customized through
the following variables:

 - Variable: move-outline-mode
     A symbol defining the visual method of interactively moving
     windows.  Current options include `box' for a wire-frame grid, and
     `opaque' for full redisplay.

 - Variable: resize-outline-mode
     A symbol defining the visual method of interactively resizing
     windows.  Current options include `box' for a wire-frame grid, and
     `opaque' for full redisplay.

 - Variable: move-show-position
     When non-nil, the current window position is shown in the center
     of the screen.

 - Variable: resize-show-position
     When non-nil, the window size is shown in the center of the screen.

 - Variable: move-snap-edges
     When non-nil, the window position is "snapped" to edges of other
     windows within close proximity.

 - Variable: move-snap-epsilon
     The distance in pixels before snapping together two edges.

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