Standard Heading Formats
Texinfo provides two standard heading formats, one for manuals printed
on one side of each sheet of paper, and the other for manuals printed
on both sides of the paper.
By default, nothing is specified for the footing of a Texinfo file,
so the footing remains blank.
The standard format for single-sided printing consists of a header
line in which the left-hand part contains the name of the chapter, the
central part is blank, and the right-hand part contains the page number.
A single-sided page looks like this:
| |
| chapter page number |
| |
| Start of text ... |
| ... |
| |
The standard format for two-sided printing depends on whether the page
number is even or odd. By convention, even-numbered pages are on the
left- and odd-numbered pages are on the right. (TeX will adjust the
widths of the left- and right-hand margins. Usually, widths are
correct, but during double-sided printing, it is wise to check that
pages will bind properly--sometimes a printer will produce output in
which the even-numbered pages have a larger right-hand margin than the
odd-numbered pages.)
In the standard double-sided format, the left part of the left-hand
(even-numbered) page contains the page number, the central part is
blank, and the right part contains the title (specified by the
`@settitle' command). The left part of the right-hand (odd-numbered)
page contains the name of the chapter, the central part is blank, and
the right part contains the page number.
Two pages, side by side as in an open book, look like this:
_______________________ _______________________
| | | |
| page number title | | chapter page number |
| | | |
| Start of text ... | | More text ... |
| ... | | ... |
| | | |
The chapter name is preceded by the word "Chapter", the chapter number
and a colon. This makes it easier to keep track of where you are in the