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Graphic -- Graphical data, or a pointer to an external entity containing such data, to be rendered as an object, not in-line


Graphical data or a pointer to an external entity containing such data, to be rendered as an object, not in-line. It has Format, Fileref, Entityref, SrcCredit, and ID attributes, and also the graphics scaling attributes Width, Depth, Align, Scale, and Scalefit. The format attribute may have the value of any of the Notations defined at the head of the DTD.

Processing Expectations

If data is given as the content of Graphic, both Entityref and Fileref, if present at all, should be ignored, but a Format value should be provided and used. If no data is given as the content of Graphic and a value for Entityref is given, the values of Fileref and Format, if provided, should be ignored. Finally, if there is no content for Graphic and Entityref is absent or null, Fileref must be used.

The scaling attributes can interact:

Width and Depth

These are equivalent to the CALS reprowid (desired width) and reprodep (desired depth) of the "reproduction area," which is the rectangle in the rendered output where the graphic will get placed (which is potentially independent of the size of the graphic precisely because of the possibility of scaling). The #IMPLIED default is to use the (possibly scaled) size of the graphic as the size of the reproduction area. Both Width and Depth take as values a number followed by an abbreviation standing for a unit of measure, which should be drawn from this list:

pi      picas
pt      points
in      inches
mm      millimeters
cm      centimeters
em      em spaces

You can use different units for the two dimensions.


This is equivalent to the CALS hplace (with the None option removed), which is the desired horizontal alignment within the reproduction area. This is only relevant when, and in directions in which, the graphic's size is less than the size of the reproduction area.


This conflates the CALS hscale and vscale by providing an integer representing a percentage scaling factor (retaining the relative dimensions of the original graphic). The #IMPLIED default is 100 (percent).


This is equivalent to the CALS scalefit, a Boolean toggle for scaling to fit the desired width and/or depth. 0=no, 1=yes. If "yes", the graphic should be scaled using the same factor both horizontally and vertically. If the proportions of the graphic differ from those of the reproduction area, some white space will be left within the reproduction area. The #IMPLIED default is 0 ("no").

Attribute interactions

  • If the (possibly scaled) graphic is too large for the available area (column width, page width, or page depth) -- for example, if the specified Width and/or Depth is too large, or if the Scale percentage results in a too-large graphic -- results are undefined. Some possibilities are that the graphic overflows the area or is (further) scaled in order to fit.

  • If Scalefit is 1 ("yes") but Width and Depth are unspecified, the system should act as though Width is either the column or the page width (as appropriate for the style currently being used) and Depth is the page height. This behavior may be different from CALS.

  • If only one of Width and Depth is specified, the system should act as though the other value is the column/page width (for Width) or the page depth (for Depth), as explained just above, and the more constraining dimension is used for scaling. This behavior may be different from CALS.

  • If Scalefit and Scale are both specified, ignore Scalefit (along with any specified or implied width/depth values) and scale to the specified percentage. This behavior may be different from CALS.


Graphic contains CDATA.

In some contexts, additional elements may be allowed by inclusions in parent elements. Similarly, in some contexts, some of these elements may be invalid due to exclusions in parent elements.



EntityRef holds the name of an external entity containing the content of the graphic.


FileRef holds the filename, qualified by a pathname if desired, designating as file containing the content of the graphic.


Line ends and leading white space must be preserved in output.


SrcCredit holds information about the source of the graphic or LoTentry, as for use in a list of illustrations.


Width indicates the width of the longest line in the element to which it pertains, in number of characters.


Depth indicates the desired depth of the repro area.


Align indicates the horizontal alignment of the graphic within the repro area.


Scale provides an integer representing a percentage scaling factor (retaining the relative dimensions of the original graphic). The #IMPLIED default is 100 (percent).


Scalefit is a Boolean toggle for scaling to fit the desired width and/or depth. 0=no, 1=yes. If "yes", the graphic should be scaled using the same factor both horizontally and vertically. If the proportions of the graphic differ from those of the reproduction area, some white space will be left within the reproduction area. The #IMPLIED default is 0 ("no").


<FIGURE ID="FG-061-ch05-2" FLOAT="1">
<TITLE>The xdmlogwin Display