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DocBook DTD Version 3.0 Reference

I. DocBook DTD Version 3.0 Reference

Table of Contents
Common Attributes --  Attributes common to most elements in DocBook
Role Attribute --  The Role attribute occurs on many elements in DocBook.
Abbrev -- Abbreviation, especially one followed by a period
Abstract -- Document summary
Accel -- Keycap used with a meta key to activate a graphical user interface
Ackno -- Acknowledgements in an Article
Acronym -- Pronounceable contraction of initials
Action -- Function invoked in response to a user event
Address -- Real-world address
Affiliation -- Author's institutional affiliation
Alt --  Prose explanation of a nonprose element
Anchor -- Spot in text
Appendix -- Appendix for a Book
Application -- Name of a software program
Area -- Region defined in a graphic or code example
AreaSet -- Set of related areas in a graphic or code example
AreaSpec -- Collection of regions in a graphic or code example
Arg -- Argument in a CmdSynopsis
ArtHeader -- Metainformation for an Article
Article -- Article
ArtPageNums -- Page numbers of an Article as published
Attribution -- Attribution of content for a BlockQuote or Epigraph
Author -- Author of a document
AuthorBlurb -- Short description of author
AuthorGroup -- Wrapper for Author information
AuthorInitials -- Initials or other identifier for the author of a Revision or Comment
BeginPage -- Page break in a print version of a work that may be displayed online
BiblioDiv -- Section of a Bibliography
BiblioEntry -- Entry in a Bibliography
Bibliography -- Bibliography
BiblioMisc -- Untyped information supplied in a BiblioEntry or BookInfo
BiblioMSet --  Container for related bibliographic information
BiblioMixed --  Entry in a Bibliography
BiblioSet --  Container for related bibliographic information
BlockQuote -- Quotation set off from the main text, rather than occurring in-line
Book -- Book
BookBiblio -- Bibliographic metadata about a book
BookInfo -- Metainformation for a Book
BridgeHead -- Free-floating heading not tied to the Sect hierarchy
Callout -- Description linked to Areas in a graphic or code example
CalloutList -- Collection of callout descriptions
Caution -- Admonition set off from the text
Chapter -- Chapter of a Book
Citation -- In-line bibliographic reference to another published work that uses a reference string, such as an abbreviation in a Bibliography
CiteRefEntry -- Citation of a RefEntry
CiteTitle -- Citation of some published work
City -- Name of a city in an Address
ClassName -- Name of the class to which a program component belongs
CmdSynopsis -- Synopsis for a Command
CO -- Callout area specification embedded in a code example
Collab -- A collaborative group of authors
CollabName -- Name of a collaborative group of authors
colspec -- Formatting specification for a column in a Table
Command -- Executable program, or the entry a user makes to execute a command
Comment -- Remark made within the document file that is intended for use during interim stages of production
ComputerOutput -- Data presented to the user by a computer
ConfDates -- Dates of a conference in connection with which a document was written
ConfGroup -- Wrapper for information about a conference
ConfNum -- Formal number of a conference in connection with which a document was written
ConfSponsor -- Sponsor of a conference in connection with which a document was written
ConfTitle -- Title of a conference in connection with which a document was written
ContractNum -- Number of a contract under which a document was written
ContractSponsor -- Sponsor of a contract under which a document was written
Contrib -- Information about the contributions of an Author, Editor, or OtherCredit to the work in question
Copyright -- Copyright information about a document
CorpAuthor -- Corporate author of a Book
CorpName -- Name of a corporation
Country -- Name of a country in an Address
Database -- Name of an organized set of data
Date -- Date of publication or revision of a document
Dedication --  Section prefatory to main text of a Book that contains a tribute to something in connection with the Book.
DocInfo -- Metainformation for a book component
Edition -- Name or number of an edition of a document
Editor -- Editor of a document
Email -- Email address in an Address
Emphasis -- Emphasized text
entry -- Cell in a table
entrytbl -- Subtable appearing as a table cell
EnVar --  Environmental variable
Epigraph -- Brief text set at the beginning of a document as relevant to its content
Equation -- Formal mathematical equation or expression displayed as a block rather than in-line
ErrorCode -- A label designating a particular computer error
ErrorName -- Error message reported by a computer
ErrorType -- Classification of an error message reported by a computer
Example -- Example of a computer program or related information
Fax -- Fax number in an Address
Figure -- Formal illustration
Filename -- Name of a file, possibly including pathname
FirstName -- Given name
FirstTerm -- First occurrence of a word in a given context
Footnote -- Contents of a footnote
FootnoteRef -- Location of a footnote mark
ForeignPhrase -- Word or words in a language other than that of the containing document
FormalPara -- Paragraph with a Title
FuncDef -- Function or routine name and its return type in a FuncSynopsis
FuncParams -- Parameter information for a function or routine that is pointed to from within a FuncSynopsis
FuncPrototype -- Set of function or routine prototype information in a FuncSynopsis
FuncSynopsisInfo -- Information supplementing the FuncDefs of a FuncSynopsis
FuncSynopsis -- Synopsis of a Function
Function -- Subroutine in a program or external library
Glossary -- Glossary of terms
GlossDef -- Definition attached to a GlossTerm in a GlossEntry
GlossDiv -- Division of a Glossary
GlossEntry -- Entry in a Glossary or GlossList
GlossList -- Wrapper for a set of GlossEntries
GlossSeeAlso -- Cross-reference from one GlossDef to another GlossEntry
GlossSee -- Cross-reference from one GlossEntry to another
GlossTerm -- Term outside a Glossary that is defined in some GlossEntry; term within a GlossEntry that is defined by that GlossEntry
Graphic -- Graphical data, or a pointer to an external entity containing such data, to be rendered as an object, not in-line
GraphicCO -- Graphic that contains a specification of areas within it that have associated callouts
Group -- Group of constituent parts of a CmdSynopsis
GUIButton -- Text on a button in a graphical user interface
GUIIcon -- Graphic and, or, text appearing as a icon in a graphical user interface
GUILabel -- Text in a graphical user interface
GUIMenu -- Name of a menu in a graphical user interface
GUIMenuItem -- Name of a terminal menu item in a graphical user interface
GUISubmenu -- Name of a submenu in a graphical user interface
Hardware -- Physical part of a computer system
Highlights -- List of main points discussed in a book component such as a Chapter
Holder -- Holder of a copyright in the containing document
Honorific -- Title of a person
Important -- Admonition set off from the text
Index -- Index to content
IndexDiv -- Division of an Index
IndexEntry -- Entry in an Index
IndexTerm -- Character string to be indexed, occurring in the text flow but not in the text itself
InformalEquation -- Informal mathematical equation or expression displayed as a block, rather than in-line
InformalExample -- Untitled Example
InformalTable -- Untitled table
InlineEquation -- Untitled mathematical equation occurring in-line or as the content of an Equation
InlineGraphic -- Graphical data, or a pointer to an external entity containing such data, to be rendered in-line
Interface -- Element of a graphical user interface
InterfaceDefinition -- Full or short name of a formal specification of a graphical user interface
InvPartNumber -- Inventory part number
ISBN -- International Standard Book Number of a document
ISSN -- International Standard Serial Number of a journal
IssueNum -- Number of an issue of a journal
ItemizedList -- List in which each entry is marked with a bullet, dash, or other dingbat
ITermSet --  Group of IndexTerms in a metadata container
JobTitle -- Title of a remunerated position in an Affiliation
KeyCap -- Text printed on a physical key on a computer keyboard, not necessarily the same thing as a KeyCode
KeyCode -- Computer's numeric designation of a key on a computer keyboard
KeyCombo -- Combination of input actions
KeySym -- Key symbol name, which is not necessarily the same thing as a Keycap
KeywordSet --  Set of terms describing the content of a document
Keyword --  Term describing the content of a document
LegalNotice -- Statement of legal obligations or requirements
Lineage -- Portion of a person's name indicating a relationship to ancestors
LineAnnotation -- Writer's or editor's comment on a line of program code within an Example, ProgramListing, or Screen
Link -- Hypertext link
ListItem -- Wrapper for the elements of items in an ItemizedList or OrderedList
Literal -- Literal string, used in-line, that is part of data in a computer
LiteralLayout -- Wrapper for lines set off from the main text that are not tagged as Screens, Examples, or ProgramListing, in which line breaks and leading white space are to be regarded as significant
LoT -- List of titles of objects within a document
LoTentry -- Entry in a LoT
ManVolNum -- Section of a complete set of UNIX reference pages that a reference page belongs to
Markup -- String of formatting markup in text, which it is desired to represent literally
MediaLabel -- Name of the physical medium on or in which some information is contained
Member -- Member of a SimpleList
MenuChoice -- Menu selection or series of such selections
ModeSpec -- Application-specific information necessary for the completion of an OLink
MouseButton -- Conventional name of a mouse button
Msg -- Error message and its subparts, along with explanatory text, in a MsgEntry
MsgAud -- Audience to which a Msg is relevant
MsgEntry -- Wrapper for an entry in a MsgSet
MsgExplan -- Explanatory material relating to a Msg
MsgInfo -- Information about the Msg that contains it
MsgLevel -- Level of importance or severity of a Msg
MsgMain -- Main error message of a Msg
MsgOrig -- Origin of a Msg
MsgRel -- Subpart of a Msg containing a message that is related to the main message
MsgSet -- List of error messages produced by a system, with various additional information
MsgSub -- Optional subpart of a Msg, which might contain messages that appear in various contexts
MsgText -- Contents of the parts of Msg
Note -- Message to the user, set off from the text
OLink -- Link that addresses its target by use of an entity
Option -- Option for a computer program command
Optional -- Optional information contained in a Synopsis
OrderedList -- List in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label
OrgDiv -- Division of an organization
OrgName -- Name of an organization other than a corporation
OtherAddr -- Uncategorized information in Address
OtherCredit -- Person or entity to be credited, other than an Author or Editor
OtherName -- Name component that is not a Firstname, Surname, or Lineage
PageNums -- Numbers of the pages contained in a Book, for use in its BookBiblio
Para -- Paragraph
ParamDef -- Data type information and the name of the Parameter this information applies to
Parameter -- Part of an instruction to a computer
Part -- Section of a Book containing book components
PartIntro -- Introduction to the contents of a Part
Phone -- Telephone number in an Address
Phrase -- Span of text
POB -- Post office box number in an Address
Postcode -- Postal code in an Address
Preface -- Introductory textual matter in a Book
Primary -- Word or phrase occurring in the text that is to appear in the index under as a primary entry
PrimaryIE -- Primary entry in an Index, not in the text
PrintHistory -- Printing history of a Book
Procedure -- List of operations to be performed
ProductName -- Formal name for a product
ProductNumber -- Number assigned to a product
ProgramListingCO -- Listing of a program or related information containing areas with associated callouts
ProgramListing -- Listing of all or part of a program
Prompt --  Character indicating the start of an input field in a computer display.
Property -- Defined set of data associated with some part of a computer program
PubDate -- Date of publication of a document
Publisher -- Publisher of a document
PublisherName -- Name of a publisher of a document in Publisher
PubsNumber -- Number assigned to a publication, other than an ISBN or ISSN or InvPartNumber
Quote -- In-line quotation
RefClass -- Applicability or scope of the topic of a RefEntry
RefDescriptor -- Substitute for RefName to be used when a RefEntry covers more than one topic and none of the topic names is to be used as the sort name
RefEntryTitle -- Primary name given to a reference page for sorting and indexing
RefEntry -- A reference page
Reference -- Collection of RefEntries, forming a book component
RefMeta -- First major division of a reference page, in which metainformation about the reference page is supplied
RefMiscInfo -- Information in RefMeta that may be supplied by vendors, or a descriptive phrase for use in a print header
RefName -- Subject or subjects of a reference page
RefNameDiv -- Major division of a reference page containing naming, purpose, and classification information
RefPurpose -- Subject of a reference page
RefSect1Info -- Metainformation for a Refsect1
RefSect2Info -- Metainformation for a Refsect2
RefSect3Info -- Metainformation for a Refsect3
RefSect1 -- Major subsection of a RefEntry
RefSect2 -- Subsection of a RefSect1
RefSect3 -- Subsection of a RefSect1
RefSynopsisDivInfo -- Metainformation for a RefSynopsisDiv
RefSynopsisDiv -- Major division of a reference page, in which the syntax of the subject of the reference page is indicated
ReleaseInfo -- Information about a particular version of a document
Replaceable -- Content that may be replaced in a synopsis or command line
ReturnValue -- Value returned by a function
RevHistory -- Revisions to a document
Revision -- Entry in RevHistory, describing some revision made to the text
RevNumber -- Number of a Revision
RevRemark -- Description of a Revision
row -- Row in a TBody, THead, or TFoot
SBR -- Line break in a command synopsis
Screen -- Text that a user sees or might see on a computer screen
ScreenCO -- Screen containing areas with associated callouts
ScreenInfo -- Information about how a ScreenShot was produced
ScreenShot -- Representation of what the user sees or might see on a computer screen
SecondaryIE -- Part of IndexEntry, like PrimaryIE
Secondary -- Word or phrase in the text that is to appear in the index beneath a Primary entry
Sect1 -- Top-level section of a book component, including the Title of that section
Sect1Info -- Metainformation for a Sect1
Sect2 -- Section beginning with a second-level heading
Sect2Info -- Metainformation for a Sect2
Sect3 -- Section beginning with a third-level heading
Sect3Info -- Metainformation for a Sect3
Sect4 -- Section beginning with a fourth-level heading
Sect4Info -- Metainformation for a Sect4
Sect5 -- Section beginning with a fifth-level heading
Sect5Info -- Metainformation for a Sect5
See -- Part of IndexTerm, indicating, for a word or phrase in the text, the index entry to which the reader is to be directed when he consults the stub index entry for another element within the IndexTerm
SeeAlso -- Like See, but indicates the index entries to which the reader is also to be directed when he consults a full index entry
SeeAlsoIE -- "See also" entry in an Index
SeeIE -- "See" entry in an Index
Seg -- Component of a SegmentedList
SegListItem -- List item in a SegmentedList
SegmentedList -- List of sets of information
SegTitle -- Title that pertains to one Seg in each SegListItem
SeriesInfo --  Information about the publication series of which a book is a part
SeriesVolNums -- Numbers of all the volumes in a Series, for use in SeriesInfo
Set -- Two or more Books
SetIndex -- Index to a Set
SetInfo -- Metainformation for a Set, in which it may appear
SGMLTag -- Component of SGML markup
ShortAffil -- Brief version of of Affiliation, in which it may appear
Shortcut -- Key combination associated with a software action
Sidebar -- Segment of a book component that is isolated from the narrative flow of the main text, typically boxed and floating
SimPara -- Paragraph that is only a text block, without included block-oriented elements
SimpleList -- List of single words or short phrases
SimpleSect -- Section with no subdivisions
spanspec -- Formatting information for a spanned column in a TGroup
State -- State in an Address
Step -- Part of a Procedure
Street -- Street in an Address
StructField -- Field in a Structure
StructName --  Name of a Structure
Subject --  Group of terms describing the content of a document
SubjectSet --  Set of groups of terms indicating the subject of the content of a document
SubjectTerm --  Term describing the content of a document
Subscript -- Subscript
SubSteps -- Wrapper for Steps within Steps
Subtitle -- Subtitle of a document
Superscript -- Superscript
Surname -- Family name
Symbol -- Name that is replaced by a value before processing
SynopFragment -- Part of CmdSynopsis
SynopFragmentRef -- Part of a CmdSynopsis
Synopsis -- Syntax of a command or function
SystemItem -- System-related term or item
Table -- Table in a document
tbody -- Wrapper for the Rows of a Table or InformalTable
Term -- Hanging term attached to a ListItem within a VarListEntry in a VariableList
TertiaryIE -- Third-level entry in an Index, not in the text
Tertiary -- Word or phrase that is to appear in the index under a Secondary entry
tfoot -- Footer row of a table
tgroup -- Wrapper for part of a Table that contains an array along with its formatting information
thead -- Heading row of a table
Tip -- Suggestion to the user, set off from the text
Title -- Text of a heading or the title of a block-oriented element
TitleAbbrev -- Abbreviated title
ToC -- Table of contents
ToCback -- Entry for back matter in a ToC
ToCchap -- Entry in a ToC for a part of the body of a Book
ToCentry -- Entry in a ToC or its subelements
ToCfront -- Entry for introductory matter in a ToC
ToClevel1 -- Top-level entry within a ToCchap
ToClevel2 -- Second-level entry within a ToCchap
ToClevel3 -- Third-level entry within a ToCchap
ToClevel4 -- Fourth-level entry within a ToCchap
ToClevel5 -- Fifth-level entry within a ToCchap
ToCpart -- Entry in a ToC for a Part of a Book
Token -- Unit of information in the context of lexical analysis
Trademark -- Trademark
Type -- Classification of a value
ULink -- Link that addresses its target by means of a Uniform Resource Locator
UserInput -- Data entered by the user
VarArgs -- Empty element, part of FuncSynopsis, indicating that the Function in question has a variable number of arguments
VariableList -- List in which each entry is composed of sets of one or more Terms with associated ListItems
VarListEntry -- Wrapper for Term and its associated ListItem in a VariableList
Void -- Empty element, part of FuncSynopsis, that indicates that the Function in question takes no arguments
VolumeNum -- Number of a Book in relation to Set, or of a journal, when Book is used to represent a journal by containing Articles
Warning -- Admonition set off from the text
WordAsWord -- Word
XRef -- Cross reference link to another part of the document
Year -- Year of publication of a document
admon.class --  Parameterizes the list of admonition elements
admon.mix --  Parameterizes the content of admonitions
appendix.class -- Parameterizes the Appendix element
arch.attrib --  Parameterizes the Arch attribute
article.class -- Parameterizes the Article element
base.char.class --  Parameterizes the Anchor element
bibliocomponent.mix --  Parameterizes the contents of elements containing bibliographic information
bodyatt -- Parameterizes the label.attrib parameter entity for inclusion in the Table and InformalTable attribute lists
book.class -- Parameterizes the Book element
bookcomponent.content --  Parameterizes the contents of Book components
bookcomponent.title.content --  Parameterizes the metadata and title elements of Book components
chapter.class -- Parameterizes the Chapter element
common.attrib --  Parameterizes the list of common attributes
compound.class --  Parameterizes a small list of elements that may appear in Book components
component.mix --  Parameterizes the fullest list of contents of Book components
conformance.attrib --  Parameterizes the Conformance attribute
cptr.char.mix --  Parameterizes a list of parameter entities for inline elements that includes computer terms
descobj.class --  Parameterizes a short list of elements that may appear as prefatory matter to a document
divcomponent.mix --  Parameterizes a list of parametere entities for elements that may appear in Book components outside Sect1-5
div.title.content --  Parameterizes title elements for the highest-level elements
docinfo.char.class --  Parameterizes a list of bibliographic elements that may appear in ordinary text
docinfo.char.mix --  Parameterizes the content of DocInfo
effectivity.attrib --  Parameterizes a list of parameter entities for effectivity attributes
equation.content --  Parameterizes the content of the Equation element
example.mix --  Parameterizes the content of Example
figure.mix --  Parameterizes the contents of Figure
footnote.mix --  Parameterizes the content of Footnote
formal.class --  Parameterizes the list of titled objects
formalobject.title.content --  Parameterizes the title elements for formal objects
gen.char.class --  Parameterizes a list of elements that may appear in ordinary text
genobj.class --  Parameterizes a list of mostly block elements without hierarchical significance
glossdef.mix --  Parameterizes the content of GlossDef
graphics.attrib --  Parameterizes the list of presentational attributes for graphic elements
highlights.mix --  Parameterizes the content of Highlights
id.attrib --  Parameterizes the ID attribute when #IMPLIED
idreq.attrib --  Parameterizes the ID attribute when #REQUIRED
idreq.common.attrib --  Parameterizes the list of parametere entities for common attributes when ID is #REQUIRED
index.class -- Parameterizes the Index and SetIndex elements
indexdivcomponent.mix --  Parameterizes the content of IndexDivs
informal.class --  Parameterizes a list of untitled block elements
inlineobj.char.class --  Parameterizes the list of inline objects
inlineequation.content --  Parameterizes the content of the InlineEquation element
keyaction.attrib --  Parameterizes the Action and OtherAction elements for use in Key* elements
label.attrib --  Parameterizes the Label attribute
lang.attrib --  Parameterizes the Lang element
legalnotice.mix --  Parameterizes the content of LegalNotice
linespecific.attrib --  Parameterizes the Format attribute for linespecific elements
linkend.attrib --  Parameterizes the Linkend attribute when #IMPLIED
linkendreq.attrib --  Parameterizes the Linkend attribute when #REQUIRED
linkends.attrib --  Parameterizes the Linkends attribute when #IMPLIED
linkendsreq.attrib --  Parameterizes Linkends attribute when #REQUIRED
link.char.class --  Parameterizes the list of link elements
linespecific.class --  Parameterizes the list of linespecific elements
list.class --  Parameterizes the list of list elements
mark.attrib --  Parameterizes the Mark attribute
moreinfo.attrib --  Parameterizes the MoreInfo attribute
nav.class --  Parameterizes a list of elements that provide navigational views
ndxterm.char.mix --  Parameterizes the contents of the IndexTerm element
ndxterm.class --  Parameterizes the IndexTerm element
no.attval --  Parameterizes the "0" value for attributes that take "yes" or "no"
notation.class -- Parameterizes the included notations
os.attrib --  Parameterizes the OS attribute
other.char.class --  Parameterizes a small list of inline elements
otherinfo.class --  Parameterizes the list of *Info elements
pagenum.attrib --  Parameterizes the PageNum attribute
para.char.mix --  Parameterizes a list of parameter entities appropriate for paragraphs
para.class --  Parameterizes the list of paragraph elements
para.mix --  Parameterizes a list of block elements that may be included within Paras
partcontent.mix --  Parameterizes the contents of Part
person.ident.mix --  Parameterizes a list of elements pertaining to personal names and identity
programlisting.content --  Parameterizes the content of the ProgramListing element
refclass.char.mix --  Parameterizes a short list of elements that may appear in several elements within RefEntry
refinline.char.mix --  Parameterizes the contents of RefPurpose
refname.char.mix --  Parameterizes the contents of the RefName element
refentry.class -- Parameterizes the RefEntry element
refcomponent.mix --  Parameterizes a list of parameter entities for elements that may appear in RefEntries
refsect.title.content --  Parameterizes the title elements of RefSect1-3
remap.attrib --  Parameterizes the Remap attribute
revision.attrib --  Parameterizes the Revision attribute
revisionflag.attrib --  Parameterizes the RevisionFlag attribute
screen.content --  Parameterizes the content of the Screen element
sect.title.content --  Parameterizes the title elements of Sect1-5
setinfo.char.mix --  Parameterizes the contents of SetInfo
sidebar.mix --  Parameterizes the content of Sidebar
smallcptr.char.mix --  Parameterizes the smallest allowable content of a computer-related inline element
status.attrib --  Parameterizes the Status attribute
synop.class --  Parameterizes the list of synopsis elements
tabentry.mix --  Parameterizes the content of Table Entries
tech.char.class --  Parameterizes a list of inline elements relevant to computer documentation
title.char.mix --  Parameterizes the contents of Title
ubiq.mix --  Parameterizes elements that can appear just about everywhere
userlevel.attrib --  Parameterizes the UserLevel attribute
vendor.attrib --  Parameterizes the Vendor attribute
width.attrib --  Parameterizes the Width attribute for linespecific elements
word.char.mix --  Parameterizes a list of parameter entities that can appear in ordinary text
xreflabel.attrib --  Parameterizes the XRefLabel attribute
xref.char.class --  Parameterizes a list of some elements that refer to other elements
yesorno --  Parameterizes the keyword NUMBER for "yes" or "no" attribute values
yes.attval --  Parameterizes the "1" value for attributes that take "yes" or "no"
yesorno.attvals --  Parameterizes the keyword NUMBER for "yes" or "no" attribute values