html2 Flex - a scanner generator: Table of Contents Whole document tree

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html2 Flex - a scanner generator: Table of Contents
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Table of Contents

1. Name
2. Synopsis
3. Overview
4. Description
5. Some simple examples
6. Format of the input file
7. Patterns
8. How the input is matched
9. Actions
10. The generated scanner
11. Start conditions
12. Multiple input buffers
13. End-of-file rules
14. Miscellaneous macros
15. Values available to the user
16. Interfacing with yacc
17. Options
18. Performance considerations
19. Generating C++ scanners
20. Incompatibilities with lex and POSIX
21. Diagnostics
22. Files
23. Deficiencies / Bugs
24. See also
25. Author

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