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Gnome Developers' Information
Table of Contents
1. Introduction..
1.1. Feedback..
1.2. What is GNOME..
1.3. This document.
2. Non (very) technical issues.
2.1. Programming languages that can be used in GNOME.
2.2. How to start hacking GNOME.
2.3. What to hack.
2.4. Obtaining a CVS account.
2.5. Policy on hacking another people's code.
2.6. When adding yourself to AUTHORS file.
2.7. Coding Standards.
3. GNOME Developer's Tutorial.
3.1. Starting with GNOME
3.2. Adding menus
3.3. Internationalization.
3.4. Parsing parameters.
3.5. Session Management
3.5.1. Session Management in general
3.5.2. GNOME Session Management implementation
3.5.3. Continuing the tutorial
3.6. Help and documentation.
4. Architecture notes.
5. GNOME library.
5.1. gnome-config
5.1.1. Author(s)
5.1.2. Description
5.1.3. Glossary
5.1.4. gnome_config_*get_* - routines to retrieve information for a specified config path.
5.1.5. gnome_config_set_* - routines to store information for a specified config path.
5.1.6. gnome_config_has_section - Checks whether a config section exists
5.1.7. gnome_config_init_iterator - Setup an iterator to get a listing of items in a specified config section.
5.1.8. gnome_config_init_iterator - Setup an iterator to get a listing of sections in a specified config section.
5.1.9. gnome_config_iterator_next - get the next item from an iterator
5.1.10. gnome_config_drop_all - drops all the cached config data from the in-memory cache
5.1.11. gnome_config_sync - writes all unwritten config entries to the config database
5.1.12. gnome_config_*clean_* - routines for removing a configuration database entry or subtree altogether
5.1.13. gnome_config_*get_real_path
5.2. gnome-defs
5.2.1. Description
5.3. gnome-dentry
5.3.1. Description
5.4. gnome-fileconvert
5.4.1. Description
5.5. gnome-help
5.5.1. Description
5.6. gnome-history
5.6.1. Description
5.7. gnome-hook
5.7.1. Description
5.8. gnome-i18n
5.8.1. Description
5.9. gnome-mime
5.9.1. Description
5.10. gnome-score
5.10.1. Description
5.11. gnome-string
5.11.1. Description
5.12. gnome-triggers
5.12.1. Description
5.13. gnome-util
5.13.1. Description
5.14. libgnome
5.14.1. Description
6. GNOME User Interface library.
6.1. gnome-about - "About..." Widget
6.1.1. Author(s)
6.1.2. Description
6.1.3. gnome_about_new - Main routine that creates the widget
6.2. gnome-actionarea
6.2.1. Description
6.3. gnome-app
6.3.1. Description
6.4. gnome-client
6.4.1. Description
6.5. gnome-color-selector
6.5.1. Description
6.6. gnome-dns
6.6.1. Description
6.7. gnome-font-selector
6.7.1. Description
6.7.2. FontInfo - struct is defined in gnome-fontsel.c
6.7.3. gnome_font_selector_get_selected - You should free this retval up after you're done with it
6.7.4. gnome_font_select
6.8. gnome-ice
6.8.1. Description
6.8.2. gnome_ice_init
6.9. gnome-messagebox
6.9.1. Description
6.10. gnome-net
6.10.1. Description
6.11. gnome-pixmap
6.11.1. Description
6.12. gnome-properties
6.12.1. Description
6.13. gnome-scores - "High Scores" Widget
6.13.1. Author(s)
6.13.2. Description
6.13.3. Usage
6.13.4. gnome_scores_display - Does all the work of displaying the best scores.
6.13.5. gnome_scores_new - Creates the high-scores window.
6.13.6. gnome_scores_set_logo_label - Creates a label to be the logo
6.13.7. gnome_scores_set_logo_pixmap - Creates a pixmap to be the logo
6.13.8. gnome_scores_set_logo_widget - Set an arbitrary widget to be the logo.
6.13.9. gnome_scores_set_color - Set the color of one entry.
6.13.10. gnome_scores_set_def_color - Set the default color of the entries.
6.13.11. gnome_scores_set_colors - Set the color of all the entries.
6.13.12. gnome_scores_set_logo_label_title - Creates a label to be the logo
6.13.13. gnome_scores_set_current_player - Set the index of the current player in top ten.
6.14. gnome-session
6.14.1. Description
6.15. gnome-startup
6.15.1. Description
6.16. gnome-stock-imlib
6.16.1. Description
6.16.2. imlib_new - toolbar pixmaps
6.16.3. imlib_ok - button pixmaps
6.16.4. imlib_menu_new - menu pixmaps
6.17. gnome-stock-xpm - XPM
6.17.1. Description
6.17.2. gnome_stock_cancel_xpm - XPM
6.17.3. gnome_stock_menu_about_xpm - XPM
6.17.4. gnome_stock_menu_exit_xpm - XPM
6.17.5. gnome_stock_menu_new_xpm - XPM
6.17.6. menu_cut_xpm - XPM
6.17.7. menu_copy_xpm - XPM
6.17.8. menu_paste_xpm - XPM
6.17.9. menu_prop_xpm - XPM
6.17.10. menu_open_xpm - XPM
6.17.11. menu_save_xpm - XPM
6.17.12. menu_blank_xpm - XPM
6.18. gnome-stock
6.18.1. Description
6.18.2. GnomeStockPixmapEntryAny - some internal definitions
6.18.3. GnomeStockPixmapWidget - the GnomeStockPixmapWidget
6.18.4. gnome_stock_pixmap - just fetch a pixmap
6.18.5. gnome_stock_pixmap_widget - just fetch a GnomeStockPixmapWidget
6.18.6. gnome_stock_pixmap_register - register a pixmap. returns non-zero, if successful
6.18.7. gnome_stock_pixmap_change - change an existing entry. returns non-zero on success
6.18.8. gnome_stock_pixmap_checkfor
6.18.9. gnome_stock_button - returns a default button widget for dialogs
6.18.10. gnome_stock_menu_item - returns a GtkMenuItem with an stock icon and text
6.19. gtk-clock
6.19.1. Description
6.20. gtk-ted
6.20.1. Description
6.21. libgnomeui
6.21.1. Description
7. Automatic menu and toolbar creation with GnomeAppHelper
7.1. Introduction
7.2. A quick example of using GnomeAppHelper
7.3. The GnomeUIInfo structure
7.4. Convenience macros to fill GnomeUIInfo structures
7.5. Format information for the configuration of keybindings for standard mens
7.6. Functions provided by GnomeAppHelper
7.6.1. gnome_app_find_menu_pos - return position of a menu item
7.6.2. gnome_app_remove_menus - remove a number of menu items
7.6.3. gnome_app_insert_menus - insert menu structure in a GnomeApp's menubar
8. The GnomeCanvas widget
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Organization of items
8.2.1. Stacking order
8.2.2. Behavior and events
8.3. Coordinates
8.3.1. Zooming and scale
8.4. Attributes and object arguments
8.5. Getting started with the canvas
9. Talking to the user: GnomeDialog, GnomeMessageBox, GnomeAppBar, and utility functions.
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Using GnomeAppBar directly
9.2.1. Creating an AppBar
9.2.2. Using a GnomeAppBar to display status
9.2.3. Using an AppBar to query the user
9.3. The abstract message utility functions
9.4. Utility functions if a GnomeApp is available
9.5. Using GnomeDialog directly
9.5.1. Creating a dialog
9.5.2. Closing the dialog
9.5.3. Dialog options
9.5.4. Modal dialogs
10. Basic X concepts
10.1. Drawables
10.2. Visuals
10.3. Graphics contexts
10.4. Event-driven programming
11. LibGnorba Documentation
11.1. GOAD (Gnome Object Activation Directory)
11.1.1. Author(s)
11.1.2. Description
11.1.3. goad_server_list_get - get a listing of objects which we know how to bootstrap
11.1.4. goad_server_activate - get a specified server
11.1.5. goad_server_activate_with_repo_id - get a server that offers a specified interface.
11.2. ORBit-Gtk
11.2.1. Author(s)
11.2.2. Description
11.2.3. gnome_CORBA_init initialize ORBit and GNOME for use in a program.
11.2.4. gnome_name_service_get - retrieves an object reference to the root name service context for the current GNOME session
11.3. gnome-plugins
12. Gnome-MDI (Gnome Multi Document Interface)
12.1. Authors
12.2. Description
12.2.1. gnome_mdi_new - create a new GnomeMDI object
12.2.2. gnome_mdi_set_mode - set GnomeMDI mode
12.2.3. gnome_mdi_set_tab_pos - set the position of the MDI notebook tabs
12.2.4. gnome_mdi_set_menu_template - set the template for MDI menus
12.2.5. gnome_mdi_set_toolbar_template - set the template for MDI toolbar
12.2.6. gnome_mdi_set_child_menu_path - sets the path for child-specific menus
12.2.7. gnome_mdi_set_child_list_path - sets the menu path for the list of children
12.2.8. gnome_mdi_add_view - adds a new view to the MDI
12.2.9. gnome_mdi_add_toplevel_view - adds a new view to the MDI in a new toplevel window
12.2.10. gnome_mdi_remove_view - removes an existing view from the MDI
12.2.11. gnome_mdi_active_view - returns a pointer to the last active view
12.2.12. gnome_mdi_set_active_view - sets the active view
12.2.13. gnome_mdi_add_child - adds a new child to an MDI
12.2.14. gnome_mdi_remove_child - removes a child from the MDI
12.2.15. gnome_mdi_remove_all - removes all children from the MDI
12.2.16. gnome_mdi_update_child - updates a child when its name changes
12.2.17. gnome_mdi_active_child - returns the active child
12.2.18. gnome_mdi_find_child - returns a named child
12.2.19. gnome_mdi_open_toplevel - opens a new toplevel window
12.2.20. gnome_mdi_register - registers a GtkObject with MDI
12.2.21. gnome_mdi_unregister - removes a GtkObject from the list of registered objects
12.2.22. gnome_mdi_get_app_from_view - retrieves a view's toplevel window
12.2.23. gnome_mdi_get_child_from_view - retrieves a view's child
12.2.24. gnome_mdi_get_view_from_window - retrieves a view from a certain window