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GnomeDockLayout -- A widget for saving and retrieving the layout of a GnomeDock widget.


#include <gnome.h>

struct      GnomeDockLayout;
struct      GnomeDockLayoutItem;
GnomeDockLayout* gnome_dock_layout_new      (void);
gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_add_item      (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             GnomeDockItem *item,
                                             GnomeDockPlacement placement,
                                             gint band_num,
                                             gint band_position,
                                             gint offset);
gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_add_floating_item
                                            (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             GnomeDockItem *item,
                                             gint x,
                                             gint y,
                                             GtkOrientation orientation);
GnomeDockLayoutItem* gnome_dock_layout_get_item
                                            (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             GnomeDockItem *item);
GnomeDockLayoutItem* gnome_dock_layout_get_item_by_name
                                            (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             const gchar *name);
gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_remove_item   (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             GnomeDockItem *item);
gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_remove_item_by_name
                                            (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             const gchar *name);
gchar*      gnome_dock_layout_create_string (GnomeDockLayout *layout);
gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_parse_string  (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             const gchar *string);
gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_add_to_dock   (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             GnomeDock *dock);

Object Hierarchy



The GnomeDockLayout widget is meant to make it simple for programmers to handle the layout of a GnomeDock widget.

GnomeDockLayout can contain an arbitrary number of GnomeDockItem widgets, each of them with its own placement information. It is possible to "extract" a layout from an existing GnomeDock widget, as well as adding the items present in a GnomeDockLayout to it. Moreover, GnomeDockLayout is able to create a layout configuration string that can be later used to re-construct the layout on a brand new GnomeDockLayout widget.

As a consequence, GnomeDockLayout is very useful to save and retrieve GnomeDock configurations into files. For example, GnomeApp uses GnomeDockLayout to create a default layout configuration, override it with the user-specific configuration file, and finally apply it to it GnomeDock.


struct GnomeDockLayout

struct GnomeDockLayout;

struct GnomeDockLayoutItem

struct GnomeDockLayoutItem
  GnomeDockItem *item;

  GnomeDockPlacement placement;

      gint x;
      gint y;
      GtkOrientation orientation;
    } floating;

      gint band_num;
      gint band_position;
      gint offset;
    } docked;

  } position;

gnome_dock_layout_new ()

GnomeDockLayout* gnome_dock_layout_new      (void);

Create a new GnomeDockLayout widget.

Returns : The new GnomeDockLayout widget.

gnome_dock_layout_add_item ()

gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_add_item      (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             GnomeDockItem *item,
                                             GnomeDockPlacement placement,
                                             gint band_num,
                                             gint band_position,
                                             gint offset);

Add item to layout with the specified parameters.

layout : A GnomeDockLayout widget
item : The dock item to be added to layout
placement : Placement of item in layout
band_num : Band number
band_position : Position within the band
offset : Distance from the previous element in the band
Returns : TRUE if the operation succeeds, FALSE if it fails.

gnome_dock_layout_add_floating_item ()

gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_add_floating_item
                                            (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             GnomeDockItem *item,
                                             gint x,
                                             gint y,
                                             GtkOrientation orientation);

Add item to layout as a floating item with the specified (x, y) position and orientation.

layout : A GnomeDockLayout widget
item : The dock item to be added to layout
x : X-coordinate for the floating item
y : Y-coordinate for the floating item
orientation : Orientation for the floating item
Returns : TRUE if the operation succeeds, FALSE if it fails.

gnome_dock_layout_get_item ()

GnomeDockLayoutItem* gnome_dock_layout_get_item
                                            (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             GnomeDockItem *item);

Retrieve a layout item.

layout : A GnomeDockLayout widget
item : The GnomeDockItem to be retrieved
Returns : The retrieved GnomeDockLayoutItem widget.

gnome_dock_layout_get_item_by_name ()

GnomeDockLayoutItem* gnome_dock_layout_get_item_by_name
                                            (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             const gchar *name);

Retrieve the dock item named name.

layout : A GnomeDockLayout widget
name : Name of the item to be retrieved
Returns : The named GnomeDockLayoutItem widget.

gnome_dock_layout_remove_item ()

gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_remove_item   (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             GnomeDockItem *item);

Remove the specified item from layout.

layout : A GnomeDockLayout widget
item : The GnomeDockItem to be removed
Returns : TRUE if the operation succeeds, FALSE if it fails.

gnome_dock_layout_remove_item_by_name ()

gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_remove_item_by_name
                                            (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             const gchar *name);

Remove the item named name from layout.

layout : A GnomeDockLayout widget
name : Name of the GnomeDockItem to be removed
Returns : TRUE if the operation succeeds, FALSE if it fails.

gnome_dock_layout_create_string ()

gchar*      gnome_dock_layout_create_string (GnomeDockLayout *layout);

Generate a string describing the layout in layout.

layout : A GnomeDockLayout widget
Returns : The (malloced) layout string for layout.

gnome_dock_layout_parse_string ()

gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_parse_string  (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             const gchar *string);

Parse the layout string string, and move around the items in layout accordingly.

layout : A GnomeDockLayout widget
string : A layout string to be parsed
Returns : TRUE if the operation succeeds, FALSE if it fails.

gnome_dock_layout_add_to_dock ()

gboolean    gnome_dock_layout_add_to_dock   (GnomeDockLayout *layout,
                                             GnomeDock *dock);

Add all the items in layout to the specified dock.

layout : A GnomeDockLayout widget
dock : The GnomeDock widget the layout items must be added to
Returns : TRUE if the operation succeeds, FALSE if it fails.