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Other Desktop Menus

Other Desktop Menus

There are a few desktop menus you may use in GNOME. These menus are accessed by making a right-button mouse click on any clean space on the desktop. This will bring up a pop-up menu which contains a few items:

  • New Window - This launches a new Nautilus File Manager window displaying your Home directory.

  • New Folder - This creates a new folder on your desktop into which you can place files: a convenient way to clean up your desktop.

  • New Terminal - This launches a new GNOME Terminal window that will automatically navigate to the /home/[username] directory.

  • Clean Up by Name - This automatically arranges your desktop icons.

  • Disks - This accesses the submenu to mount removable drives

  • Change Desktop Background - This opens the GNOME Control-center at the Background Capplet to allow you to reconfigure the background of your desktop.