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GPhoto2-Port -- 



struct GPPortPrivateLibrary

struct GPPortPrivateLibrary;

struct GPPortPrivateCore

struct GPPortPrivateCore;

This structure contains private data.

struct GPPortSettingsSerial

struct GPPortSettingsSerial {
	char port[128];
	int speed;
	int bits, parity, stopbits;

struct GPPortSettingsUSB

struct GPPortSettingsUSB {
	int inep, outep;
	int config;
	int interface;
	int altsetting;

union GPPortSettings

union GPPortSettings {
	GPPortSettingsSerial serial;
	GPPortSettingsUSB usb;

struct GPPort

struct GPPort {

	/* For your convenience */
	GPPortType type;

        GPPortSettings settings;
        GPPortSettings settings_pending;

        int timeout; /* in milliseconds */

	GPPortPrivateLibrary *pl;
	GPPortPrivateCore    *pc;

gp_port_new ()

int         gp_port_new                     (GPPort **port);

Allocates the memory for a new GPPort. After you called this function, you probably want to call gp_port_set_info in order to make the newly created port functional.

gp_port_free ()

int         gp_port_free                    (GPPort *port);

Closes the port and frees the memory.

gp_port_set_info ()

int         gp_port_set_info                (GPPort *port,
                                             GPPortInfo info);

Makes a port functional. After calling this function, you can access the port using for example gp_port_open.

gp_port_get_info ()

int         gp_port_get_info                (GPPort *port,
                                             GPPortInfo *info);

Retreives info about the port.

gp_port_open ()

int         gp_port_open                    (GPPort *port);

Opens a port which should have been created with gp_port_new and configured with gp_port_set_info and gp_port_set_settings

gp_port_close ()

int         gp_port_close                   (GPPort *port);

Closes a port temporarily. It can afterwards be reopened using gp_port_open.

gp_port_read ()

int         gp_port_read                    (GPPort *port,
                                             char *data,
                                             int size);

Reads a specified number of bytes from the port into the supplied buffer.

gp_port_write ()

int         gp_port_write                   (GPPort *port,
                                             const char *data,
                                             int size);

Writes a specified amount of data to a port.

gp_port_get_settings ()

int         gp_port_get_settings            (GPPort *port,
                                             GPPortSettings *settings);

Retreives the current settings of a port.

gp_port_set_settings ()

int         gp_port_set_settings            (GPPort *port,
                                             GPPortSettings settings);

Adjusts the settings of a port. You should always call gp_port_get_settings, adjust the values depending on the type of the port, and then call gp_port_set_settings.

gp_port_get_timeout ()

int         gp_port_get_timeout             (GPPort *port,
                                             int *timeout);

Retreives the current timeout of the port.

gp_port_set_timeout ()

int         gp_port_set_timeout             (GPPort *port,
                                             int timeout);

Sets the timeout of a port. gp_port_read will wait timeout milliseconds for data. If no data will be received in that period, GP_ERROR_TIMEOUT will be returned.

gp_port_get_pin ()

int         gp_port_get_pin                 (GPPort *port,
                                             GPPin pin,
                                             GPLevel *level);

gp_port_set_pin ()

int         gp_port_set_pin                 (GPPort *port,
                                             GPPin pin,
                                             GPLevel level);

gp_port_get_error ()

const char* gp_port_get_error               (GPPort *port);

Retrieves an error message from a port. If you want to make sure that you get correct error messages, you need to call gp_port_set_error with an error message of NULL each time before calling another port-related function of which you want to check the return value.

gp_port_set_error ()

int         gp_port_set_error               (GPPort *port,
                                             const char *format,

Sets an error message that can later be retrieved using gp_port_get_error.