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CameraLibrary -- 



CameraLibraryIdFunc ()

int         (*CameraLibraryIdFunc)          (CameraText *id);

Returns a unique id for the camera driver.

CameraLibraryAbilitiesFunc ()

int         (*CameraLibraryAbilitiesFunc)   (CameraAbilitiesList *list);

Adds the abilities of the supported models to the supplied list.

CameraLibraryInitFunc ()

int         (*CameraLibraryInitFunc)        (Camera *camera,
                                             GPContext *context);

Initializes the camera. The camera driver will establish a first connection to the camera and configure the camera variable (i.e. using gp_filesystem_set_list_funcs or gp_port_get_settings).

camera_id ()

int         camera_id                       (CameraText *id);

This function should write a unique id into id and return GP_OK. That is, choose a unique id, use strncpy in order to copy it into the id, and return GP_OK.

camera_abilities ()

int         camera_abilities                (CameraAbilitiesList *list);

This function should use gp_abilities_list_append as many times as the number of models the camera driver supports. That is, fill out (in a loop) the CameraAbilities for each model and append each of those to the supplied list using gp_abilities_list_append. Then, return GP_OK.

camera_init ()

int         camera_init                     (Camera *camera,
                                             GPContext *context);

This is the most interesting function in your library. Here, you tell gphoto2 what operations your camera supports and you try to connect to the camera. That is, access camera->functions directly and set them to your implementation (if you have any). Then, tell the CameraFilesystem (available in camera->fs) how to retrieve lists (gp_filesystem_set_list_funcs), how to retrieve or set file information (gp_filesystem_set_info_funcs), how to get or delete files (gp_filesystem_set_file_funcs), or how to put files or delete all files in a folder (gp_filesystem_set_folder_funcs). After that, configure the port (camera->port) which is already opened by gphoto2. You just have to call gp_port_settings_get, adjust the settings, call gp_port_settings_set, and try to write to and read from the port. If the camera responds, return GP_OK. If not, return some meaningful error code.