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Whole document tree




ETableCol -- 

Object Hierarchy





#define E_TABLE_COL_TYPE        (e_table_col_get_type ())


typedef struct {
	GtkObject    base;
	char        *text;
	GdkPixbuf   *pixbuf;
	int          min_width;
	int          width;
	double       expansion;
	short        x;
	GCompareFunc compare;
	unsigned int is_pixbuf:1;
	unsigned int selected:1;
	unsigned int resizeable:1;
	unsigned int sortable:1;
	unsigned int groupable:1;
	int          col_idx;

	GtkJustification justification;

	ECell         *ecell;
} ETableCol;

enum ETableColArrow

typedef enum {
} ETableColArrow;

e_table_col_new ()

ETableCol*  e_table_col_new                 (int col_idx,
                                             const char *text,
                                             double expansion,
                                             int min_width,
                                             ECell *ecell,
                                             GCompareFunc compare,
                                             gboolean resizable);

The ETableCol represents a column to be used inside an ETable. The ETableCol objects are inserted inside an ETableHeader (which is just a collection of ETableCols). The ETableHeader is the definition of the order in which columns are shown to the user.

The text argument is the the text that will be shown as a header to the user. col_idx reflects where the data for this ETableCol object will be fetch from an ETableModel. So even if the user changes the order of the columns being viewed (the ETableCols in the ETableHeader), the column will always point to the same column inside the ETableModel.

The ecell argument is an ECell object that needs to know how to render the data in the ETableModel for this specific row.

e_table_col_new_with_pixbuf ()

ETableCol*  e_table_col_new_with_pixbuf     (int col_idx,
                                             GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
                                             double expansion,
                                             int min_width,
                                             ECell *ecell,
                                             GCompareFunc compare,
                                             gboolean resizable);

The ETableCol represents a column to be used inside an ETable. The ETableCol objects are inserted inside an ETableHeader (which is just a collection of ETableCols). The ETableHeader is the definition of the order in which columns are shown to the user.

The text argument is the the text that will be shown as a header to the user. col_idx reflects where the data for this ETableCol object will be fetch from an ETableModel. So even if the user changes the order of the columns being viewed (the ETableCols in the ETableHeader), the column will always point to the same column inside the ETableModel.

The ecell argument is an ECell object that needs to know how to render the data in the ETableModel for this specific row.

e_table_col_destroy ()

void        e_table_col_destroy             (ETableCol *etc);