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ETableSortInfo -- Sorting and grouping information handling.

Object Hierarchy


Signal Prototypes

            void        user_function      (ETableSortInfo *etablesortinfo,
                                            gpointer user_data);
            void        user_function      (ETableSortInfo *etablesortinfo,
                                            gpointer user_data);


The ETableSortInfo is typically one of the elements of an ETableState object.

The ETableSortInfo object is used to maintain the multi-level sorting and multi-level grouping information that is used by the ETable widget. By appending sorting criterias (using the e_table_sort_info_grouping_set_nth() and e_table_sort_info_sorting_set_nth you can append new criteria about how sorting and grouping should take place in the ETable.

This object emits the `sort_info_changed' and `group_info_changed' signals when grouping and sorting are added, modified or removed.

You can at any point reduce the criteria by using the "truncate" functions; You can modify any criteria by using the "set" functions, and you can get the individual state information by using the "get" functions.



#define E_TABLE_SORT_INFO_TYPE        (e_table_sort_info_get_type ())


typedef struct {
	GtkObject   base;
	gint group_count;
	ETableSortColumn *groupings;
	gint sort_count;
	ETableSortColumn *sortings;
	guint frozen : 1;
	guint sort_info_changed : 1;
	guint group_info_changed : 1;
} ETableSortInfo;

struct ETableSortColumn

struct ETableSortColumn {
	guint column : 31;
	guint ascending : 1;

The bit field ascending is interpreted as a boolean value that will trigger ascending ordering. The column is an integer that reflects the column.

e_table_sort_info_freeze ()

void        e_table_sort_info_freeze        (ETableSortInfo *info);

This functions allows the programmer to cluster various changes to the ETableSortInfo (grouping and sorting) without having the object emit "group_info_changed" or "sort_info_changed" signals on each change.

To thaw, invoke the e_table_sort_info_thaw() function, which will trigger any signals that might have been queued.

e_table_sort_info_thaw ()

void        e_table_sort_info_thaw          (ETableSortInfo *info);

This functions allows the programmer to cluster various changes to the ETableSortInfo (grouping and sorting) without having the object emit "group_info_changed" or "sort_info_changed" signals on each change.

This function will flush any pending signals that might be emited by this object.

e_table_sort_info_grouping_get_count ()

guint       e_table_sort_info_grouping_get_count
                                            (ETableSortInfo *info);

e_table_sort_info_grouping_truncate ()

void        e_table_sort_info_grouping_truncate
                                            (ETableSortInfo *info,
                                             int length);

This routine can be used to reduce or grow the number of grouping criteria in the object.

e_table_sort_info_grouping_set_nth ()

void        e_table_sort_info_grouping_set_nth
                                            (ETableSortInfo *info,
                                             int n,
                                             ETableSortColumn column);

Sets the grouping criteria for index n to be given by column (a column number and whether it is ascending or descending).

e_table_sort_info_sorting_get_count ()

guint       e_table_sort_info_sorting_get_count
                                            (ETableSortInfo *info);

e_table_sort_info_sorting_truncate ()

void        e_table_sort_info_sorting_truncate
                                            (ETableSortInfo *info,
                                             int length);

This routine can be used to reduce or grow the number of sort criteria in the object.

e_table_sort_info_sorting_get_nth ()

ETableSortColumn e_table_sort_info_sorting_get_nth
                                            (ETableSortInfo *info,
                                             int n);

Sets the sorting criteria for index n to be given by column (a column number and whether it is ascending or descending).

e_table_sort_info_sorting_set_nth ()

void        e_table_sort_info_sorting_set_nth
                                            (ETableSortInfo *info,
                                             int n,
                                             ETableSortColumn column);

e_table_sort_info_new ()

ETableSortInfo* e_table_sort_info_new       (void);

This creates a new e_table_sort_info object that contains no grouping and no sorting defined as of yet. This object is used to keep track of multi-level sorting and multi-level grouping of the ETable.

e_table_sort_info_load_from_node ()

void        e_table_sort_info_load_from_node
                                            (ETableSortInfo *info,
                                             xmlNode *node);

This loads the state for the ETableSortInfo object info from the xml node node.


The "sort-info-changed" signal

void        user_function                  (ETableSortInfo *etablesortinfo,
                                            gpointer user_data);

This signal is emitted when the sort information has been changed trough the API.

The "group-info-changed" signal

void        user_function                  (ETableSortInfo *etablesortinfo,
                                            gpointer user_data);

This signal is emitted when the grouping information has been changed trough the API>

See Also

ETable, ETableState.