Whole document tree

Whole document tree




ETableSpecification -- Internal object to keep track of the ETable State.

Object Hierarchy



This object is used to keep track of the ETableState, and it is mostly an internal function. These are used by the ETable widget and its configuration engine (ETableConfig). It is mostly an internal object.



#define E_TABLE_SPECIFICATION_TYPE        (e_table_specification_get_type ())


typedef struct {
	GtkObject base;

	ETableColumnSpecification **columns;
	ETableState *state;

	guint no_headers : 1;
	guint click_to_add : 1;
	guint draw_grid : 1;
	ETableCursorMode cursor_mode;
	char *click_to_add_message_;
} ETableSpecification;

e_table_specification_new ()

ETableSpecification* e_table_specification_new

Creates a new ETableSpecification object. This object is used to hold the information about the rendering information for ETable.

e_table_specification_load_from_file ()

gboolean    e_table_specification_load_from_file
                                            (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                             const char *filename);

This routine modifies specification to reflect the state described by the file filename.

e_table_specification_load_from_string ()

void        e_table_specification_load_from_string
                                            (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                             const char *xml);

This routine modifies specification to reflect the state described by xml. xml is typically returned by e_table_specification_save_to_string or it can be embedded in your source code.

e_table_specification_load_from_node ()

void        e_table_specification_load_from_node
                                            (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                             const xmlNode *node);

This routine modifies specification to reflect the state described by node.

e_table_specification_save_to_file ()

void        e_table_specification_save_to_file
                                            (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                             const char *filename);

This routine stores the specification into filename.

e_table_specification_save_to_node ()

xmlNode*    e_table_specification_save_to_node
                                            (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                             xmlDoc *doc);

This routine saves the ETableSpecification state in the object specification into the xmlDoc represented by doc.

See Also

ETable, ETableColumnSpecification, ETableConfig.