Whole document tree

Whole document tree




imports -- 


#define     XSLT_GET_IMPORT_PTR             (res, style, name)
#define     XSLT_GET_IMPORT_INT             (res, style, name)
void        xsltParseStylesheetImport       (xsltStylesheetPtr style,
                                             xmlNodePtr cur);
void        xsltParseStylesheetInclude      (xsltStylesheetPtr style,
                                             xmlNodePtr cur);
xsltStylesheetPtr xsltNextImport            (xsltStylesheetPtr style);
int         xsltNeedElemSpaceHandling       (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt);
int         xsltFindElemSpaceHandling       (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
                                             xmlNodePtr node);
xsltTemplatePtr xsltFindTemplate            (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *nameURI);




#define     XSLT_GET_IMPORT_PTR(res, style, name)

A macro to import pointers from the stylesheet cascading order.

res : 
style : 
name : 


#define     XSLT_GET_IMPORT_INT(res, style, name)

A macro to import intergers from the stylesheet cascading order.

res : 
style : 
name : 

xsltParseStylesheetImport ()

void        xsltParseStylesheetImport       (xsltStylesheetPtr style,
                                             xmlNodePtr cur);

parse an XSLT stylesheet strip-space element and record elements needing stripping

style : the XSLT stylesheet
cur : 

xsltParseStylesheetInclude ()

void        xsltParseStylesheetInclude      (xsltStylesheetPtr style,
                                             xmlNodePtr cur);

parse an XSLT stylesheet strip-space element and record elements needing stripping

style : the XSLT stylesheet
cur : 

xsltNextImport ()

xsltStylesheetPtr xsltNextImport            (xsltStylesheetPtr style);

Find the next stylesheet in import precedence.

style : 
Returns :the next stylesheet or NULL if it was the last one

xsltNeedElemSpaceHandling ()

int         xsltNeedElemSpaceHandling       (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt);

Returns whether that stylesheet requires white-space stripping

ctxt : an XSLT transformation context
Returns :1 if space should be stripped, 0 if not

xsltFindElemSpaceHandling ()

int         xsltFindElemSpaceHandling       (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
                                             xmlNodePtr node);

Find strip-space or preserve-space informations for an element respect the import precedence or the wildcards

ctxt : an XSLT transformation context
node : an XML node
Returns :1 if space should be stripped, 0 if not, and 2 if everything should be CDTATA wrapped.

xsltFindTemplate ()

xsltTemplatePtr xsltFindTemplate            (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *nameURI);

Finds the named template, apply import precedence rule.

ctxt : an XSLT transformation context
name : the template name
nameURI : the template name URI
Returns :the xsltTemplatePtr or NULL if not found