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The TeX Catalogue OnLine, CTAN Edition
The TeX Catalogue Online

by Graham Williams

CTAN Edition

frankenbundle Develop and distribute groups of LaTeX packages and classes and BibTeX bibstyles.
Frankenbundle allows an author to maintain and distribute a bundle of one or more LaTeX packages and classes and BibTeX bibliography styles, their documentation, and any support files with a high degree of sophistication, consistency, and convenience both for the author and their end users, who will receive the bundle in a form easy to understand and use. The author using Frankenbundle needs a Unix-like environment, GNU Make and a rudimentary understanding of Makefiles. The end user does not need Make. See also abbrevs achicago blkcntrl compsci lips moredefs relsize slemph titles url verbatim
Visit CTAN:support/frankenbundle Visit the Package's Home Page Read Documentation On-Line Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in TeXLive distribution in support License: pd     Version: 1.9     Released: 1999/03/08