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The TeX Catalogue OnLine, CTAN Edition
The TeX Catalogue Online

by Graham Williams

CTAN Edition

wasysym Extra characters from the Waldis symbol fonts.
Makes some additional characters available that come from the wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts). These fonts are not automatically included in NFSS2/LaTeX2e since they take up important space and often aren't necessary if one makes use of the packages amsfonts or amssymb. Symbols include: join box, diamond, leadsto, sqsubset, lhd, rhd, apple, ocircle invneg, logof, varint, male, female, phone, clock lightning, pointer, sun, bell, permil, smiley, various electrical symbols, shapes, music notes, circles, signs, astronomy, etc.
Visit CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/wasysym Download from somewhere nearby (Search) Download from Dante Included in TeXLive distribution in latex2 License: lppl     Catalogued: 1999/05/19