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Emacs 20 Antinews

   For those users who live backwards in time, here is information about
downgrading to Emacs version 20.  We hope you will enjoy the greater
simplicity that results from the absence of many Emacs 21 features.

   * The display engine has been greatly simplified by eliminating
     support for variable-size characters and other non-text display
     features.  This avoids the complexity of display layout in Emacs
     21.  To wit:

        - Variable-size characters are not supported in Emacs 20.  You
          cannot use fonts which contain oversized characters, and
          using italic fonts can result in illegible display.  However,
          text which uses variable-size fonts is unreadable anyway.
          With all characters in a frame laid out on a regular grid,
          each character having the same height and width, text is much
          easier to read.

        - Emacs does not display images, or play sounds.  It just
          displays text, as you would expect from a *text* editor.

        - Specification of the font for a face now uses an XLFD font
          name, for compatibility with other X applications.  This
          means that font attributes cannot be merged when combining
          faces; however, experience shows that mergers are bad
          economics.  Face inheritance has also been removed, so no one
          can accumulate "too much face."

        - Several face appearance attributes, including 3D,
          strike-through, and overline, have been eliminated.

        - Emacs now provides its own "lean and mean" scroll bars
          instead of using those from the X toolkit.  Toggle buttons
          and radio buttons in menus now look just like any other menu
          item, which simplifies them, and prevents them from standing
          out and distracting your attention from the other menu items.

        - There are no toolbars and no tooltips; in particular, GUD
          mode cannot display variable values in a tooltip when you
          click on that variable's name.  Instead, Emacs 20 provides a
          direct interface to the debugger, so that you can type
          appropriate debugger commands, such as `display foo' and
          `print bar'.  As these commands use explicit words, their
          meaning is more self-evident.

        - Colors are not available on text-only terminals.  If you
          _must_ have colors, but cannot afford to run X, you can now
          use the MS-DOG version of Emacs inside a DOS emulator.

        - The mode line is not mouse-sensitive, since it is meant only
          to display information.  Use keyboard commands to switch
          between buffers, toggle read-only and modified status, switch
          minor modes on and off, etc.

        - The support for "wheeled" mice under X has been removed,
          because of their slow scroll rate, and because you will find
          fewer and fewer of these mice as you go back in time.
          Instead Emacs 20 provides the `C-v' and `M-v' keys for
          scrolling.  (You can also use the scroll bar, but be advised
          that it, too, may be absent in yet earlier Emacs versions.)

        - Busy-cursor display is gone, as it was found to be too hard
          to draw on displays whose resolution is getting lower and
          lower.  This means that you get the standard kind of cursor
          blinking that your terminal provides.

        - Some aspects of Emacs appearance, such as the colors of the
          scroll bar and the menus, can only be controlled via X
          resources.  Since colors aren't supported except on X, it
          doesn't make any sense to do this in any way but the X way.
          For those users who aren't privy to X arcana, we've provided
          good default colors that should make everybody happy.

        - Emacs 20 adds new lines to the buffer when you move down from
          the last line with `C-n' or a down-arrow.

        - The variable `show-trailing-whitespace' has no special
          meaning, so trailing whitespace on a line is now always
          displayed correctly: as empty space.  To see if a line ends
          with spaces or tabs, type `C-e' on that line.  Likewise,
          empty lines at the end of the buffer are not marked in any
          way; use `M->' to see where the end of the buffer is.

        - The spacing between text lines on the display now always
          follows the font design and the rules of your window manager.
          This provides for predictable appearance of the displayed

   * Emacs 20 has simpler support for multi-lingual editing.  While not
     as radical a simplification as Emacs 19 will be, it goes a long
     way toward eliminating some of the annoying features:

        - Translations of the Emacs reference cards to other languages
          are no longer part of the distribution, because in the past
          we expect computer users to speak English.

        - To avoid extra confusion, many language environments have been
          eliminated.  For example, `Polish' and `Celtic' (Latin-8)
          environments are not supported.  The Latin-9 environment is
          gone, too, because you won't need the Euro sign in the past.

        - Emacs 20 always asks you which coding system to use when
          saving a buffer, unless it can use the same one that it used
          to read the buffer.  It does not try to see if the preferred
          coding system is suitable.

        - Commands which provide detailed information about character
          sets and coding systems, such as `list-charset-chars',
          `describe-character-set', and the `C-u C-x =' key-sequence,
          no longer exist.  The less said about non-ASCII characters,
          the better.

        - The terminal coding system cannot be set to something
          CCL-based, so keyboards which produce `KOI8' and DOS/Windows
          codepage codes cannot be supported directly.  Instead, you
          should use one of the input methods provided in the Leim

   * As you move back through time, some systems will become
     unimportant or enter the vaporware phase, so Emacs 20 does not
     support them:

        - Emacs 20 cannot be built on GNU/Linux systems running on IA64
          machines, and you cannot build a 64-bit Emacs on Solaris or
          Irix even though there are still 64-bit versions of those

        - LynxOS is also not supported, and neither is the Macintosh,
          though they still exist.

   * The arrangement of menu bar items differs from most other GUI
     programs.  We think that uniformity of look-and-feel is boring,
     and that Emacs' unique features require its unique menu-bar

   * You cannot save the options that you set from the `Options'
     menu-bar menu; instead, you need to set all the options again each
     time you start a new session.  However, if you follow the
     recommended practice and keep a single Emacs session running until
     you log out, you won't have to set the options very often.

   * Emacs 20 does not pop up a buffer with error messages when an
     error is signaled during loading of the user's init file.
     Instead, it simply announces the fact that an error happened.  To
     know where in the init file that was, insert `(message "foo")'
     lines judiciously into the file and look for those messages in the
     `*Messages*' buffer.

   * Some commands no longer treat Transient Mark mode specially.  For
     example, `ispell' doesn't spell-check the region when Transient
     Mark mode is in effect and the mark is active; instead, it checks
     the current buffer.  (Transient Mark mode is alien to the spirit
     of Emacs, so we are planning to remove it altogether in an earlier

   * `C-Down-Mouse-3' does not show what would be in the menu bar when
     the menu bar is not displayed.

   * For uniformity, the <delete> function key in Emacs 20 works
     exactly like the <DEL> key, on both text-only terminals and window
     systems--it always deletes backward.  This eliminates the
     inconsistency of Emacs 21, where the key labeled <delete> deletes
     forward when you are using a window system, and backward on a
     text-only terminals.

   * The ability to place backup files in special subdirectories
     (controlled by `backup-directory-alist') has been eliminated.
     This makes finding your backup files much easier: they are always
     in the same directory as the original files.

   * Emacs no longer refuses to load Lisp files compiled by incompatible
     versions of Emacs, which may contain invalid byte-code.  Instead,
     Emacs now dumps core when it encounters such byte-code.  However,
     this is a rare occurrence, and it won't happen at all when all
     Emacs versions merge together, in the distant past.

   * The `C-x 5 1' command has been eliminated.  If you want to delete
     all the frames but the current one, delete them one by one instead.

   * CC Mode now enforces identical values for some customizable
     options, such as indentation style, for better consistency.  In
     particular, if you select an indentation style for Java, the same
     style is used for C and C++ buffers as well.

   * Isearch does not highlight other possible matches; it shows only
     the current match, to avoid distracting your attention.  `Mouse-2'
     in the echo area during incremental search now signals an error,
     instead of inserting the current selection into the search string.
     But you can accomplish more or less the same job by typing `M-y'.

   * The ability to specify a port number when editing remote files with
     `ange-ftp' was removed.  Instead, Emacs 20 provides undocumented
     features in the function `ange-ftp-normal-login' (`Use the source,
     Luke!') to specify the port.

   * Emacs 20 does not check for changing time stamps of remote files,
     since the old FTP programs you will encounter in the past could
     not provide the time stamp anyway.  Windows-style FTP clients
     which output the `^M' character at the end of each line get
     special handling from `ange-ftp' in Emacs 20, with unexpected
     results that should make your life more interesting.

   * Many complicated display features, including highlighting of
     mouse-sensitive text regions and popping up help strings for menu
     items, don't work in the MS-DOS version.  Spelling doesn't work on
     MS-DOS, and Eshell doesn't exist, so there's no workable
     shell-mode, either.  This fits the spirit of MS-DOS, which
     resembles a dumb character terminal.

   * The `woman' package has been removed, so Emacs users on non-Posix
     systems will need _a real man_ to read manual pages.  (Users who
     are not macho can read the Info documentation instead.)

   * `recentf' has been removed, because we figure that you can remember
     the names of the files you edit frequently.  With decreasing disk
     size, you should have fewer files anyway, so you won't notice the
     absence of this feature.

   * The `field' property does not exist in Emacs 20, so various
     packages that run subsidiary programs in Emacs buffers cannot in
     general distinguish which text was user input and which was output
     from the subprocess.  If you need to try to do this nonetheless,
     Emacs 20 provides a variable `comint-prompt-regexp', which lets
     you try to distinguish input by recognizing prompt strings.

   * We have eliminated the special major modes for Delphi sources,
     PostScript files, context diffs, and `TODO' files.  Use Fundamental
     Mode instead.

   * Many additional packages that unnecessarily complicate your life in
     Emacs 21 are absent in Emacs 20.  You cannot browse C++ classes
     with Ebrowse, access SQL data bases, access LDAP and other
     directory servers, or mix shell commands and Lisp functions using

   * To keep up with decreasing computer memory capacity and disk
     space, many other functions and files have been eliminated in
     Emacs 20.

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