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Emacs and the Mac OS

   Emacs built on the Mac OS supports many of its major features:
multiple frames, colors, scroll bars, menu bars, use of the mouse,
fontsets, international characters, input methods, coding systems, and
synchronous subprocesses (`call-process').  Much of this works in the
same way as on other platforms and is therefore documented in the rest
of this manual.  This section describes the peculiarities of using
Emacs under the Mac OS.

   The following features of Emacs are not yet supported on the Mac:
unexec (`dump-emacs'), asynchronous subprocesses (`start-process'), and
networking (`open-network-stream').  As a result, packages such as
Gnus, GUD, and Comint do not work.

   Since external programs to handle commands such as `print-buffer'
and `diff' are not available on the Mac OS, they are not supported in
the Mac OS version.

Mac Input. Keyboard input on the Mac.
Mac International. International character sets on the Mac.
Mac Environment Variables. Setting environment variables for Emacs.
Mac Directories. Volumes and directories on the Mac.
Mac Font Specs. Specifying fonts on the Mac.
Mac Functions. Mac-specific Lisp functions.

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