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Running Compilations under Emacs

   Emacs can run compilers for noninteractive languages such as C and
Fortran as inferior processes, feeding the error log into an Emacs
buffer.  It can also parse the error messages and show you the source
lines where compilation errors occurred.

`M-x compile'
     Run a compiler asynchronously under Emacs, with error messages
     going to the `*compilation*' buffer.

`M-x recompile'
     Invoke a compiler with the same command as in the last invocation
     of `M-x compile'.

`M-x grep'
     Run `grep' asynchronously under Emacs, with matching lines listed
     in the buffer named `*grep*'.

`M-x grep-find'
     Run `grep' via `find', with user-specified arguments, and collect
     output in the buffer named `*grep*'.

`M-x kill-compilation'
`M-x kill-grep'
     Kill the running compilation or `grep' subprocess.

   To run `make' or another compilation command, do `M-x compile'.
This command reads a shell command line using the minibuffer, and then
executes the command in an inferior shell, putting output in the buffer
named `*compilation*'.  The current buffer's default directory is used
as the working directory for the execution of the command; normally,
therefore, the compilation happens in this directory.

   When the shell command line is read, the minibuffer appears
containing a default command line, which is the command you used the
last time you did `M-x compile'.  If you type just <RET>, the same
command line is used again.  For the first `M-x compile', the default is
`make -k'.  The default compilation command comes from the variable
`compile-command'; if the appropriate compilation command for a file is
something other than `make -k', it can be useful for the file to
specify a local value for `compile-command' (Note: File Variables).

   Starting a compilation displays the buffer `*compilation*' in
another window but does not select it.  The buffer's mode line tells you
whether compilation is finished, with the word `run' or `exit' inside
the parentheses.  You do not have to keep this buffer visible;
compilation continues in any case.  While a compilation is going on, the
string `Compiling' appears in the mode lines of all windows.  When this
string disappears, the compilation is finished.

   If you want to watch the compilation transcript as it appears, switch
to the `*compilation*' buffer and move point to the end of the buffer.
When point is at the end, new compilation output is inserted above
point, which remains at the end.  If point is not at the end of the
buffer, it remains fixed while more compilation output is added at the
end of the buffer.

   If you set the variable `compilation-scroll-output' to a non-`nil'
value, then the compilation buffer always scrolls to follow output as
it comes in.

   To kill the compilation process, do `M-x kill-compilation'.  When
the compiler process terminates, the mode line of the `*compilation*'
buffer changes to say `signal' instead of `run'.  Starting a new
compilation also kills any running compilation, as only one can exist
at any time.  However, `M-x compile' asks for confirmation before
actually killing a compilation that is running.

   To rerun the last compilation with the same command, type `M-x
recompile'.  This automatically reuses the compilation command from the
last invocation of `M-x compile'.

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