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Info Node: (emacs)Grep Searching

(emacs)Grep Searching

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Searching with Grep under Emacs

   Just as you can run a compiler from Emacs and then visit the lines
where there were compilation errors, you can also run `grep' and then
visit the lines on which matches were found.  This works by treating
the matches reported by `grep' as if they were "errors."

   To do this, type `M-x grep', then enter a command line that
specifies how to run `grep'.  Use the same arguments you would give
`grep' when running it normally: a `grep'-style regexp (usually in
single-quotes to quote the shell's special characters) followed by file
names, which may use wildcards.  The output from `grep' goes in the
`*grep*' buffer.  You can find the corresponding lines in the original
files using `C-x `' and <RET>, as with compilation errors.

   If you specify a prefix argument for `M-x grep', it figures out the
tag (Note: Tags) around point, and puts that into the default `grep'

   The command `M-x grep-find' is similar to `M-x grep', but it
supplies a different initial default for the command--one that runs
both `find' and `grep', so as to search every file in a directory tree.
See also the `find-grep-dired' command, in Note: Dired and Find.

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