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Compiling and Testing Programs

   The previous chapter discusses the Emacs commands that are useful for
making changes in programs.  This chapter deals with commands that
assist in the larger process of developing and maintaining programs.

Compiling programs in languages other
than Lisp (C, Pascal, etc.).
Grep Searching
Running grep as if it were a compiler.
Compilation Mode
The mode for visiting compiler errors.
Compilation Shell
Customizing your shell properly
for use in the compilation buffer.
Running symbolic debuggers for non-Lisp programs.
Executing Lisp
Various modes for editing Lisp programs,
with different facilities for running the Lisp programs.
Lisp Libraries. Creating Lisp programs to run in Emacs.
Lisp Interaction. Executing Lisp in an Emacs buffer.
Lisp Eval. Executing a single Lisp expression in Emacs.
External Lisp
Communicating through Emacs with a separate Lisp.

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