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Info Node: (gnus)Misc Group Stuff

(gnus)Misc Group Stuff

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Misc Group Stuff

Scanning New Messages
Asking Gnus to see whether new messages have arrived.
Group Information
Information and help on groups and Gnus.
Group Timestamp
Making Gnus keep track of when you last read a group.
File Commands
Reading and writing the Gnus files.
     Enter the server buffer (`gnus-group-enter-server-mode').  Note:
     The Server Buffer.

     Post an article to a group (`gnus-group-post-news').  If given a
     prefix, the current group name will be used as the default.

     Mail a message somewhere (`gnus-group-mail').

   Variables for the group buffer:

     is called after the group buffer has been created.

     is called after the group buffer is generated.  It may be used to
     modify the buffer in some strange, unnatural way.

     is called as the very last thing after the group buffer has been
     generated.  It may be used to move point around, for instance.

     Groups matching this regexp will always be listed in the group
     buffer, whether they are empty or not.

     An alist of method and the charset for group names. It is used to
     show non-ASCII group names.

     For example:
          (setq gnus-group-name-charset-method-alist
              '(((nntp "") . cn-gb-2312)))

     An alist of regexp of group name and the charset for group names.
     It is used to show non-ASCII group names.

     For example:
          (setq gnus-group-name-charset-group-alist
              '(("\\.com\\.cn:" . cn-gb-2312)))

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