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Info Node: (reftex)fancyref (LaTeX package)

(reftex)fancyref (LaTeX package)

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`fancyref': Fancy Cross References

   `fancyref' is a LaTeX package where a macro call like
`\fref{FIG:MAP-OF-GERMANY}' creates not only the number of the
referenced counter but also the complete text around it, like `Figure 3
on the preceding page'.  In order to make it work you need to use label
prefixes like `fig:' consistently - something RefTeX does
automatically.  When you want to make a reference with the `\fref'
macro, just press the `V' key in the selection buffer to cycle between
`\ref', `\fref' and `\Fref' (Note: Referencing Labels).  The mode
line of the selection buffer shows the current status of this switch.
If this cycling seems inconvenient, you can also use the commands
`reftex-fancyref-fref' and `reftex-fancyref-Fref'(1).  Or use AUCTeX to
create your macros (Note: AUCTeX).

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) bind them to `C-c f' and `C-c F'.

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