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Info Node: (vip)Customizing Key Bindings

(vip)Customizing Key Bindings

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Customizing Key Bindings

   VIP uses `vip-command-mode-map' as the "local keymap" for vi mode.
For example, in vi mode, <SPC> is bound to the function `vip-scroll'.
But, if you wish to make <SPC> and some other keys  behave like Vi, you
can include the following lines in your `.vip' file.

     (define-key vip-command-mode-map "\C-g" 'vip-info-on-file)
     (define-key vip-command-mode-map "\C-h" 'vip-backward-char)
     (define-key vip-command-mode-map "\C-m" 'vip-next-line-at-bol)
     (define-key vip-command-mode-map " " 'vip-forward-char)
     (define-key vip-command-mode-map "g" 'vip-keyboard-quit)
     (define-key vip-command-mode-map "s" 'vip-substitute)
     (define-key vip-command-mode-map "C" 'vip-change-to-eol)
     (define-key vip-command-mode-map "R" 'vip-change-to-eol)
     (define-key vip-command-mode-map "S" 'vip-substitute-line)
     (define-key vip-command-mode-map "X" 'vip-delete-backward-char)

Key Index

000 C-@ (set-mark-command)
Other Vi Commands.
001 C-a (vip-beginning-of-line)
New Commands.
002 C-b (vip-scroll-back)
Viewing the Buffer.
003 C-c (vip-ctl-c) <1>
Important Keys.
003 C-c (vip-ctl-c)
New Commands.
004 C-d (vip-scroll-up)
Viewing the Buffer.
005 C-e (vip-scroll-up-one)
Viewing the Buffer.
006 C-f (vip-scroll-back)
Viewing the Buffer.
007 C-g (vip-keyboard-quit) <1>
Important Keys.
007 C-g (vip-keyboard-quit) <2>
New Bindings.
007 C-g (vip-keyboard-quit)
010 C-h (delete-backward-char) (insert mode)
Commands in Insert Mode.
010 C-h (vip-delete-backward-char) (insert mode)
Insert Mode.
011 TAB (indent-for-tab-command)
Other Vi Commands.
012 C-j (newline-and-indent)
Other Vi Commands.
013 C-k (kill-line)
Other Vi Commands.
014 C-l (recenter) <1>
Other Vi Commands.
014 C-l (recenter)
Important Keys.
015 RET (vip-scroll-back) <1>
Viewing the Buffer.
015 RET (vip-scroll-back)
New Bindings.
016 C-n (vip-next-window) <1>
Buffers and Windows.
016 C-n (vip-next-window) <2>
Window Commands.
016 C-n (vip-next-window)
New Commands.
017 C-o (vip-open-line-at-point) <1>
Commands in Insert Mode.
017 C-o (vip-open-line-at-point)
New Commands.
020 C-p (previous-line)
Other Vi Commands.
021 C-q (quoted-insert)
Other Vi Commands.
022 C-r (isearch-backward) <1>
Other Vi Commands.
022 C-r (isearch-backward) <2>
Searching and Replacing.
022 C-r (isearch-backward)
New Commands.
023 C-s (isearch-forward) <1>
Other Vi Commands.
023 C-s (isearch-forward) <2>
Searching and Replacing.
023 C-s (isearch-forward)
New Commands.
024 C-t (transpose-chars)
Other Vi Commands.
025 C-u (vip-scroll-down)
Viewing the Buffer.
026 C-v (scroll-up)
Other Vi Commands.
027 C-w (kill-region)
Other Vi Commands.
027 C-w (vip-delete-backward-word) (insert mode) <1>
Commands in Insert Mode.
027 C-w (vip-delete-backward-word) (insert mode)
Insert Mode.
0300 C-x (vip-ctl-x) <1>
Important Keys.
0300 C-x (vip-ctl-x)
New Commands.
0301 C-x C-z (suspend-emacs)
Modes in VIP.
031 C-y (vip-scroll-down-one)
Viewing the Buffer.
032 C-z (vip-change-mode-to-vi) <1>
Emacs Mode.
032 C-z (vip-change-mode-to-vi)
Modes in VIP.
032 C-z (vip-ESC) (insert mode) <1>
Commands in Insert Mode.
032 C-z (vip-ESC) (insert mode)
Insert Mode.
033 ESC (vip-change-mode-to-vi) (insert mode) <1>
Commands in Insert Mode.
033 ESC (vip-change-mode-to-vi) (insert mode)
Insert Mode.
033 ESC (vip-ESC) <1>
Important Keys.
033 ESC (vip-ESC)
New Commands.
040 SPC (vip-scroll) <1>
Viewing the Buffer.
040 SPC (vip-scroll)
New Bindings.
041 ! (vip-command-argument)
Other Vi Commands.
042 " (vip-command-argument)
Delete Commands.
0430 # (vip-command-argument)
New Commands.
0431 # C (upcase-region)
New Commands.
0432 # c (downcase-region)
New Commands.
0432 # g (vip-global-execute)
New Commands.
0432 # q (vip-quote-region)
New Commands.
0432 # s (spell-region)
New Commands.
044 $ (vip-goto-eol)
Motion Commands.
045 % (vip-paren-match)
Motion Commands.
046 & (vip-nil)
Other Vi Commands.
047 ' (vip-goto-mark-and-skip-white)
Motion Commands.
050 ( (vip-backward-sentence)
Motion Commands.
051 ) (vip-forward-sentence)
Motion Commands.
052 * (vip-call-last-kbd-macro) <1>
Other Vi Commands.
052 * (vip-call-last-kbd-macro) <2>
Misc Commands.
052 * (vip-call-last-kbd-macro)
New Commands.
053 + (vip-next-line-at-bol)
Motion Commands.
054 , (vip-repeat-find-opposite)
Motion Commands.
055 - (vip-previous-line-at-bol)
Motion Commands.
056 . (vip-repeat) <1>
Repeating and Undoing Modifications.
056 . (vip-repeat)
057 / (vip-search-forward) <1>
Searching and Replacing.
057 / (vip-search-forward) <2>
057 / (vip-search-forward)
060 0 (vip-beginning-of-line)
Motion Commands.
061 1 (numeric argument)
Numeric Arguments.
062 2 (numeric argument)
Numeric Arguments.
063 3 (numeric argument)
Numeric Arguments.
064 4 (numeric argument)
Numeric Arguments.
065 5 (numeric argument)
Numeric Arguments.
066 6 (numeric argument)
Numeric Arguments.
067 7 (numeric argument)
Numeric Arguments.
068 8 (numeric argument)
Numeric Arguments.
069 9 (numeric argument)
Numeric Arguments.
073 ; (vip-repeat-find)
Motion Commands.
074 < (vip-command-argument)
Other Vi Commands.
075 = (vip-command-argument)
Other Vi Commands.
076 > (vip-command-argument)
Other Vi Commands.
077 ? (vip-search-backward) <1>
Searching and Replacing.
077 ? (vip-search-backward) <2>
077 ? (vip-search-backward)
100 @ (vip-nil)
Other Vi Commands.
101 A (vip-Append)
Commands in Insert Mode.
102 B (vip-backward-Word)
Motion Commands.
103 C (vip-ctl-c-equivalent) <1>
Important Keys.
103 C (vip-ctl-c-equivalent)
New Bindings.
104 D (vip-kill-line)
Delete Commands.
105 E (vip-end-of-Word)
Motion Commands.
106 F (vip-find-char-backward)
Motion Commands.
107 G (vip-goto-line)
Motion Commands.
110 H (vip-window-top)
Motion Commands.
111 I (vip-Insert)
Commands in Insert Mode.
112 J (vip-join-lines)
Other Vi Commands.
113 K (vip-kill-buffer) <1>
Buffers and Windows.
113 K (vip-kill-buffer) <2>
Buffer Commands.
113 K (vip-kill-buffer)
New Commands.
114 L (vip-window-bottom)
Motion Commands.
115 M (vip-window-middle)
Motion Commands.
116 N (vip-search-Next)
Searching and Replacing.
117 O (vip-Open-line) <1>
Commands in Insert Mode.
117 O (vip-Open-line)
120 P (vip-Put-back) <1>
Put Back Commands.
120 P (vip-Put-back)
121 Q (vip-query-replace) <1>
Searching and Replacing.
121 Q (vip-query-replace)
New Commands.
122 R (vip-replace-string) <1>
Searching and Replacing.
122 R (vip-replace-string)
New Commands.
123 S (vip-switch-to-buffer-other-window) <1>
Buffers and Windows.
123 S (vip-switch-to-buffer-other-window) <2>
Buffer Commands.
123 S (vip-switch-to-buffer-other-window)
New Bindings.
124 T (vip-goto-char-backward)
Motion Commands.
125 U (vip-nil)
Other Vi Commands.
126 V (vip-find-file-other-window) <1>
126 V (vip-find-file-other-window) <2>
File Commands.
126 V (vip-find-file-other-window)
New Commands.
127 W (vip-forward-Word)
Motion Commands.
1300 X (vip-ctl-x-equivalent) <1>
Important Keys.
1300 X (vip-ctl-x-equivalent)
New Bindings.
1301 X ( (start-kbd-macro)
Misc Commands.
1301 X ) (end-kbd-macro)
Misc Commands.
1301 X 1 (delete-other-windows) <1>
Buffers and Windows.
1301 X 1 (delete-other-windows)
Window Commands.
1301 X 2 (split-window-vertically) <1>
Buffers and Windows.
1301 X 2 (split-window-vertically)
Window Commands.
1301 X 3 (vip-buffer-in-two-windows) <1>
Buffers and Windows.
1301 X 3 (vip-buffer-in-two-windows) <2>
Window Commands.
1301 X 3 (vip-buffer-in-two-windows)
New Bindings.
1302 X B (list-buffers)
Buffers and Windows.
1302 X I (insert-file) <1>
1302 X I (insert-file)
File Commands.
1302 X S (save-buffer) <1>
1302 X S (save-buffer)
Buffer Commands.
1302 X W (write-file) <1>
1302 X W (write-file)
File Commands.
1302 X Z (suspend-emacs)
Misc Commands.
131 Y (vip-yank-line)
Yank Commands.
132 Z Z (save-buffers-kill-emacs)
Other Vi Commands.
133 [ (vip-nil)
Other Vi Commands.
134 \ (vip-escape-to-emacs) <1>
Important Keys.
134 \ (vip-escape-to-emacs)
New Commands.
135 ] (vip-nil)
Other Vi Commands.
136 ^ (vip-bol-and-skip-white)
Motion Commands.
137 _ (vip-nil)
Other Vi Commands.
140 ` (vip-goto-mark)
Motion Commands.
141 a (vip-append)
Commands in Insert Mode.
142 b (vip-backward-word)
Motion Commands.
1430 c (vip-command-argument)
Change Commands.
1431 c R
Change Commands.
1432 c c
Change Commands.
1432 c r
Change Commands.
1440 d (vip-command-argument)
Delete Commands.
1441 d R
Delete Commands.
1442 d d
Delete Commands.
1442 d r
Delete Commands.
145 e (vip-end-of-word)
Motion Commands.
146 f (vip-find-char-forward)
Motion Commands.
147 g (vip-info-on-file) <1>
147 g (vip-info-on-file)
New Bindings.
150 h (vip-backward-char)
Motion Commands.
151 i (vip-insert)
Commands in Insert Mode.
152 j (vip-next-line)
Motion Commands.
153 k (vip-previous-line)
Motion Commands.
154 l (vip-forward-char)
Motion Commands.
155 m (vip-mark-point) <1>
Mark Commands.
155 m (vip-mark-point)
156 n (vip-search-next)
Searching and Replacing.
157 o (vip-open-line) <1>
Commands in Insert Mode.
157 o (vip-open-line)
160 p (vip-put-back) <1>
Put Back Commands.
160 p (vip-put-back)
161 q (vip-nil)
Other Vi Commands.
162 r (vip-replace-char)
Searching and Replacing.
163 s (vip-switch-to-buffer) <1>
Buffers and Windows.
163 s (vip-switch-to-buffer) <2>
Buffer Commands.
163 s (vip-switch-to-buffer)
New Bindings.
164 t (vip-goto-char-forward)
Motion Commands.
165 u (vip-undo) <1>
Repeating and Undoing Modifications.
165 u (vip-undo)
166 v (vip-find-file) <1>
166 v (vip-find-file) <2>
File Commands.
166 v (vip-find-file)
New Commands.
167 w (vip-forward-word)
Motion Commands.
170 x (vip-delete-char)
Delete Commands.
1710 y (vip-command-argument)
Yank Commands.
1711 y R
Yank Commands.
1712 y r
Yank Commands.
1712 y y (vip-yank-line)
Yank Commands.
1721 z RET (vip-line-to-top) <1>
Viewing the Buffer.
1721 z RET (vip-line-to-top)
z Command.
1722 z - (vip-line-to-bottom) <1>
Viewing the Buffer.
1722 z - (vip-line-to-bottom)
z Command.
1722 z . (vip-line-to-middle) <1>
Viewing the Buffer.
1722 z . (vip-line-to-middle)
z Command.
1723 z H (vip-line-to-top) <1>
Viewing the Buffer.
1723 z H (vip-line-to-top)
z Command.
1723 z L (vip-line-to-bottom) <1>
Viewing the Buffer.
1723 z L (vip-line-to-bottom)
z Command.
1723 z M (vip-line-to-middle) <1>
Viewing the Buffer.
1723 z M (vip-line-to-middle)
z Command.
173 { (vip-backward-paragraph)
Motion Commands.
174 | (vip-goto-col)
Motion Commands.
175 } (vip-forward-paragraph)
Motion Commands.
176 ~ (vip-nil)
Other Vi Commands.
177 DEL (vip-delete-backward-char)
Delete Commands.
Concept Index
Ex Commands.
buffer <1>
Buffers and Windows.
Basic Concepts.
buffer name completion
Buffers and Windows.
Numeric Arguments.
current buffer
Buffers and Windows.
default directory
emacs mode
Modes in VIP.
end (of buffer)
Basic Concepts.
expanding (region)
Modifying Commands.
file name completion
Ex Command Reference.
global keymap
Basic Concepts.
insert mode
Modes in VIP.
Basic Concepts.
line commands
Modifying Commands.
local keymap <1>
Customizing Key Bindings.
local keymap
Basic Concepts.
looking at
Basic Concepts.
Ex Commands.
Basic Concepts.
mark ring
Mark Commands.
Basic Concepts.
mode line
Modes in VIP.
modified (buffer)
Buffers and Windows.
number register
Put Back Commands.
numeric arguments
Numeric Arguments.
Basic Concepts.
point commands
Modifying Commands.
region <1>
Region Commands.
Basic Concepts.
regular expression
Ex Commands.
regular expression (replacement)
Searching and Replacing.
regular expression (search)
Searching and Replacing.
selected buffer
Buffers and Windows.
selected tags table
Ex Command Reference.
syntax table
Motion Commands.
Ex Command Reference.
Basic Concepts.
vanilla (replacement)
Searching and Replacing.
vi mode
Modes in VIP.
visiting (a file)
window <1>
Buffers and Windows.
Basic Concepts.
Motion Commands.
Yank Commands.

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