Mailing Lists
If we get any inquiries about GNU `gettext', send them on to:
The `*-pretest' lists are quite useful to me, maybe the idea could
be generalized to many GNU, and non-GNU packages. But each maintainer
his/her way!
Franc,ois, we have a mechanism in place here at `' to
track teams, support mailing lists for them and log members. We have a
slight preference that you use it. If this is OK with you, I can get
you clued in.
Things are changing! A few years ago, when Daniel Fekete and I
asked for a mailing list for GNU localization, nested at the FSF, we
were politely invited to organize it anywhere else, and so did we. For
communicating with my pretesters, I later made a handful of mailing
lists located at and administrated by `majordomo'.
These lists have been _very_ dependable so far...
I suspect that the German team will organize itself a mailing list
located in Germany, and so forth for other countries. But before they
organize for true, it could surely be useful to offer mailing lists
located at the FSF to each national team. So yes, please explain me
how I should proceed to create and handle them.
We should create temporary mailing lists, one per country, to help
people organize. Temporary, because once regrouped and structured, it
would be fair the volunteers from country bring back _their_ list in
there and manage it as they want. My feeling is that, in the long run,
each team should run its own list, from within their country. There
also should be some central list to which all teams could subscribe as
they see fit, as long as each team is represented in it.