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('s New in version 3.7

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 Gnuplot version 3.7 contains many new features.  This section gives a partial
 list and links to the new items in no particular order.

 1. `fit f(x) 'file' via` uses the Marquardt-Levenberg method to fit data.
 (This is only slightly different from the `gnufit` patch available for 3.5.)

 2. Greatly expanded `using` (Note: using ) command.  See plot using.

 3. `set timefmt` (Note: timefmt ) allows for the use of dates as input and
 output for time series plots.  See `Time/Date data` and timedat.dem.

 4. Multiline labels and font selection in some drivers.

 5. Minor (unlabeled) tics.  See `set mxtics` (Note: mxtics ).

 6. `key` (Note: key ) options for moving the key box in the page (and even
 outside of the plot), putting a title on it and a box around it, and
 more.  See `set key`.

 7. Multiplots on a single logical page with `set multiplot`
 (Note: multiplot ).

 8. Enhanced `postscript` (Note: postscript ) driver with super/subscripts
 and font changes. (This was a separate driver (`enhpost`) that was available
 as a patch for 3.5.)

 9. Second axes:  use the top and right axes independently of the bottom and
 left, both for plotting and labels.  See `plot` (Note: plot ).

 10. Special datafile names `'-'` and `""`.  See `plot special-filenames`
 (Note: special-filenames ).

 11. Additional coordinate systems for labels and arrows.  See `coordinates`
 (Note: Coordinates ).

 12. `set size` (Note: size ) can try to plot with a specified aspect ratio.

 13. `set missing` (Note: missing ) now treats missing data correctly.

 14. The `call` (Note: call ) command:  `load` (Note: load ) with

 15. More flexible `range` commands with `reverse`, `writeback`
 (Note: xrange ) and 'restore' keywords.

 16. `set encoding` (Note: encoding ) for multi-lingual encoding.

 17. New `x11` (Note: x11 ) driver with persistent and multiple windows.

 18. New plotting styles: `xerrorbars` (Note: xerrorbars ),  `histeps`
 (Note: histeps ),  `financebars` (Note: financebars ) and more. See `set
 style` (Note: style ).

 19. New tic label formats, including `"%l %L"` which uses the mantissa and
 exponents to a given base for labels.  See `set format` (Note: format ).

 20. New drivers, including `cgm` (Note: cgm ) for inclusion into MS-Office
 applications and `gif` for serving plots to the WEB.

 21. Smoothing and spline-fitting options for `plot`.  See `plot smooth`
 (Note: smooth ).

 22. `set margin` (Note: margin ) and  `set origin` (Note: origin ) give
 much better control over where a graph appears on the page.

 23. `set border` (Note: border ) now controls each border individually.

 24. The new commands `if` (Note: if ) and  `reread` (Note: reread ) allow
 command loops.

 25. Point styles and sizes, line types and widths can be specified on the
 `plot` command.  Line types and widths can also be specified for grids,
 borders, tics and arrows.  See `plot with` (Note: with ).  Furthermore these
 types may be combined and stored for further use.  See `set linestyle`
 (Note: linestyle ).

 26. Text (labels, tic labels, and the time stamp) can be written vertically
 by those terminals capable of doing so.

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