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An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp

   This is an introduction to `Programming in Emacs Lisp', for people
who are not programmers.

   This master menu first lists each chapter and index; then it lists
every node in every chapter.

What to look for.
List Processing
What is Lisp?
Practicing Evaluation
Running several programs.
Writing Defuns
How to write function definitions.
Buffer Walk Through
Exploring a few buffer-related functions.
More Complex
A few, even more complex functions.
Narrowing & Widening
Restricting your and Emacs attention to
a region.
car cdr & cons
Fundamental functions in Lisp.
Cutting & Storing Text
Removing text and saving it.
List Implementation
How lists are implemented in the computer.
Pasting stored text.
Loops & Recursion
How to repeat a process.
Regexp Search
Regular expression searches.
Counting Words
A review of repetition and regexps.
Words in a defun
Counting words in a `defun'.
Readying a Graph
A prototype graph printing function.
Emacs Initialization
How to write a `.emacs' file.
How to run the Emacs Lisp debuggers.
Now you have the basics.
An appendix: how to find reduplicated words.
Kill Ring
An appendix: how the kill ring works.
Full Graph
How to create a graph with labelled axes.
GNU Free Documentation License
About the Author
 --- The Detailed Node Listing ---


Why learn Emacs Lisp?
On Reading this Text
Read, gain familiarity, pick up habits....
Who You Are
For whom this is written.
Lisp History
Note for Novices
You can read this as a novice.
Thank You
List Processing

Lisp Lists
What are lists?
Run a Program
Any list in Lisp is a program ready to run.
Making Errors
Generating an error message.
Names & Definitions
Names of symbols and function definitions.
Lisp Interpreter
What the Lisp interpreter does.
Running a program.
Returning a value from a variable.
Passing information to a function.
set & setq
Setting the value of a variable.
The major points.
Error Message Exercises
Lisp Lists

Numbers Lists
List have numbers, other lists, in them.
Lisp Atoms
Elemental entities.
Whitespace in Lists
Formating lists to be readable.
Typing Lists
How GNU Emacs helps you type lists.
The Lisp Interpreter

Variables, Special forms, Lists within.
Byte Compiling
Specially processing code for speed.

Evaluating Inner Lists
Lists within lists...

fill-column Example
Void Function
The error message for a symbol
without a function.
Void Variable
The error message for a symbol without a value.

Data types
Types of data passed to a function.
Args as Variable or List
An argument can be the value
of a variable or list.
Variable Number of Arguments
Some functions may take a
variable number of arguments.
Wrong Type of Argument
Passing an argument of the wrong type
to a function.
A useful function for sending messages.
Setting the Value of a Variable

Using set
Setting values.
Using setq
Setting a quoted value.
Using `setq' to count.
Practicing Evaluation

How to Evaluate
Typing editing commands or C-x C-e
causes evaluation.
Buffer Names
Buffers and files are different.
Getting Buffers
Getting a buffer itself, not merely its name.
Switching Buffers
How to change to another buffer.
Buffer Size & Locations
Where point is located and the size of
the buffer.
Evaluation Exercise
How To Write Function Definitions

Primitive Functions
The `defun' special form.
Install a function definition.
Making a function interactive.
Interactive Options
Different options for `interactive'.
Permanent Installation
Installing code permanently.
Creating and initializing local variables.
What if?
If--then--else expressions.
Truth & Falsehood
What Lisp considers false and true.
Keeping track of point, mark, and buffer.
defun Exercises
Install a Function Definition

Effect of installation
Change a defun
How to change a function definition.
Make a Function Interactive

Interactive multiply-by-seven
An overview.
multiply-by-seven in detail
The interactive version.

Prevent confusion
Parts of let Expression
Sample let Expression
Uninitialized let Variables
The `if' Special Form

if in more detail
type-of-animal in detail
An example of an `if' expression.
Truth and Falsehood in Emacs Lisp

nil explained
`nil' has two meanings.

Point and mark
A review of various locations.
Template for save-excursion
A Few Buffer--Related Functions

Finding More
How to find more information.
Shows `goto-char',
`point-min', and `push-mark'.
Almost the same as `beginning-of-buffer'.
Uses `save-excursion' and
Buffer Related Review
Buffer Exercises
The Definition of `mark-whole-buffer'

mark-whole-buffer overview
Body of mark-whole-buffer
Only three lines of code.
The Definition of `append-to-buffer'

append-to-buffer overview
append interactive
A two part interactive expression.
append-to-buffer body
Incorporates a `let' expression.
append save-excursion
How the `save-excursion' works.
A Few More Complex Functions

With `set-buffer', `get-buffer-create'.
Read-only, and with `or'.
Shows `goto-char',
`point-min', and `push-mark'.
Second Buffer Related Review
optional Exercise
The Definition of `insert-buffer'

insert-buffer code
insert-buffer interactive
When you can read, but not write.
insert-buffer body
The body has an `or' and a `let'.
if & or
Using an `if' instead of an `or'.
Insert or
How the `or' expression works.
Insert let
Two `save-excursion' expressions.
The Interactive Expression in `insert-buffer'

Read-only buffer
When a buffer cannot be modified.
b for interactive
An existing buffer or else its name.
Complete Definition of `beginning-of-buffer'

Optional Arguments
beginning-of-buffer opt arg
Example with optional argument.
beginning-of-buffer complete
`beginning-of-buffer' with an Argument

Disentangle beginning-of-buffer
Large buffer case
Small buffer case
Narrowing and Widening

Narrowing advantages
The advantages of narrowing
The `save-restriction' special form.
The number of the line that point is on.
narrow Exercise
`car', `cdr', `cons': Fundamental Functions

Strange Names
An historical aside: why the strange names?
car & cdr
Functions for extracting part of a list.
Constructing a list.
Calling `cdr' repeatedly.
Changing the first element of a list.
Changing the rest of a list.
cons Exercise

Build a list
How to find the length of a list.
Cutting and Storing Text

Storing Text
Text is stored in a list.
Cutting out text up to a character.
Cutting text out of a region.
Digression into C
Minor note on C programming language macros.
How to give a variable an initial value.
A definition for copying text.
cons & search-fwd Review
search Exercises

Complete zap-to-char
The complete implementation.
zap-to-char interactive
A three part interactive expression.
zap-to-char body
A short overview.
How to search for a string.
The `progn' special form.
Summing up zap-to-char
Using `point' and `search-forward'.

Complete kill-region
The function definition.
Dealing with a problem.
Doing the work.
Initializing a Variable with `defvar'

See variable current value
defvar and asterisk
An old-time convention.

Complete copy-region-as-kill
The complete function definition.
copy-region-as-kill body
The body of `copy-region-as-kill'.
The Body of `copy-region-as-kill'

last-command & this-command
kill-append function
kill-new function
How Lists are Implemented

Lists diagrammed
Symbols as Chest
Exploring a powerful metaphor.
List Exercise
Yanking Text Back

Kill Ring Overview
The kill ring is a list.
The `kill-ring-yank-pointer' variable.
yank nthcdr Exercises
Loops and Recursion

Causing a stretch of code to repeat.
dolist dotimes
Causing a function to call itself.
Looping exercise

Looping with while
Repeat so long as test returns true.
Loop Example
A `while' loop that uses a list.
Uses `while', `car', `cdr'.
Incrementing Loop
A loop with an incrementing counter.
Decrementing Loop
A loop with a decrementing counter.
A Loop with an Incrementing Counter

Incrementing Example
Counting pebbles in a triangle.
Inc Example parts
The parts of the function definition.
Inc Example altogether
Putting the function definition together.
Loop with a Decrementing Counter

Decrementing Example
More pebbles on the beach.
Dec Example parts
The parts of the function definition.
Dec Example altogether
Putting the function definition together.
Save your time: `dolist' and `dotimes'


Building Robots
Same model, different serial number ...
Recursive Definition Parts
Walk until you stop ...
Recursion with list
Using a list as the test whether to recurse.
Recursive triangle function
Recursion with cond
Recursive Patterns
Often used templates.
No Deferment
Don't store up work ...
No deferment solution
Recursion in Place of a Counter

Recursive Example arg of 1 or 2
Recursive Example arg of 3 or 4
Recursive Patterns

Regular Expression Searches

The regular expression for `sentence-end'.
Very similar to `search-forward'.
A straightforward example of regexp search.
A somewhat complex example.
How to create your own `TAGS' table.
Regexp Review
re-search Exercises

Complete forward-sentence
fwd-sentence while loops
Two `while' loops.
fwd-sentence re-search
A regular expression search.
`forward-paragraph': a Goldmine of Functions

forward-paragraph in brief
Key parts of the function definition.
fwd-para let
The `let*' expression.
fwd-para while
The forward motion `while' loop.
fwd-para between paragraphs
Movement between paragraphs.
fwd-para within paragraph
Movement within paragraphs.
fwd-para no fill prefix
When there is no fill prefix.
fwd-para with fill prefix
When there is a fill prefix.
fwd-para summary
Summary of `forward-paragraph' code.
Counting: Repetition and Regexps

Why Count Words
Use a regexp, but find a problem.
Start with case of no words in region.
Counting Exercise
The `count-words-region' Function

Design count-words-region
The definition using a `while' loop.
Whitespace Bug
The Whitespace Bug in `count-words-region'.
Counting Words in a `defun'

Divide and Conquer
Words and Symbols
What to count?
What constitutes a word or symbol?
Very like `count-words'.
Several defuns
Counting several defuns in a file.
Find a File
Do you want to look at a file?
A list of the lengths of many definitions.
Several files
Counting in definitions in different files.
Several files recursively
Recursively counting in different files.
Prepare the data
Prepare the data for display in a graph.
Count Words in `defuns' in Different Files

Return a list of the lengths of defuns.
Attach one list to another.
Prepare the Data for Display in a Graph

Sorting lists.
Files List
Making a list of files.
Counting function definitions
Readying a Graph

Columns of a graph
How to print the body of a graph.
Printed Axes
Line Graph Exercise
Your `.emacs' File

Default Configuration
Site-wide Init
You can write site-wide init files.
Emacs will write code for you.
Beginning a .emacs File
How to write a `.emacs file'.
Text and Auto-fill
Automatically wrap lines.
Mail Aliases
Use abbreviations for email addresses.
Indent Tabs Mode
Don't use tabs with TeX
Create some personal keybindings.
More about key binding.
Loading Files
Load (i.e., evaluate) files automatically.
Make functions available.
Simple Extension
Define a function; bind it to a key.
X11 Colors
Colors in version 19 in X.
Mode Line
How to customize your mode line.

How to use the built-in debugger.
Start debugging when you call a function.
Start debugging when you quit with C-g.
How to use Edebug, a source level debugger.
Debugging Exercises
Handling the Kill Ring

Move a pointer along a list and around.
Paste a copy of a clipped element.
Insert first element pointed to.
The `rotate-yank-pointer' Function

Understanding rotate-yk-ptr
rotate-yk-ptr body
The body of `rotate-yank-pointer'.
The Body of `rotate-yank-pointer'

Digression concerning error
How to mislead humans, but not computers.
rotate-yk-ptr else-part
The else-part of the `if' expression.
Remainder Function
The remainder, `%', function.
rotate-yk-ptr remainder
Using `%' in `rotate-yank-pointer'.
kill-rng-yk-ptr last elt
Pointing to the last element.

rotate-yk-ptr arg
Pass the argument to `rotate-yank-pointer'.
rotate-yk-ptr negative arg
Pass a negative argument.
A Graph with Labelled Axes

Labelled Example
print-graph Varlist
`let' expression in `print-graph'.
Print a label for the vertical axis.
Print a horizontal label.
Print Whole Graph
The function to print a complete graph.
The `print-Y-axis' Function

Height of label
What height for the Y axis?
Compute a Remainder
How to compute the remainder of a division.
Y Axis Element
Construct a line for the Y axis.
Generate a list of Y axis labels.
print-Y-axis Penultimate
A not quite final version.
The `print-X-axis' Function

Similarities differences
Much like `print-Y-axis', but not exactly.
X Axis Tic Marks
Create tic marks for the horizontal axis.
Printing the Whole Graph

The final version
A few changes.
Test print-graph
Run a short test.
Graphing words in defuns
Executing the final code.
How to write an anonymous function.
Apply a function to elements of a list.
Another Bug
Yet another bug ... most insidious.
Final printed graph
The graph itself!

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